When creating a fashionable and stylish interior there is nolittle things. They carefully think through the construction and finishing materials that will transform the entire room. Decorative plaster is laid on the walls, alternating with wallpaper or soft tiles with a 3D effect, playing with color and texture. In terms of arrangement, there is nothing more effective for these purposes than making a double ceiling. The use of different levels in the ceiling structure, shapes of various configurations allows you to create stunning optical effects, change the geometry of the space. Soft lighting lamps can be mounted in straight, curved structures, which change the mood of the room and its owners.
Scheme of a two-level suspended ceiling with a lamp.
Planning and Layout
With modern technologies and materials,which are offered to the consumer in abundance in stores, making a double ceiling is not difficult. It is necessary to decide what elements it will consist of. After the choice of material is made, you can proceed to the design of the future ceiling. The forms that double ceilings can take are also varied: from simple, such as rectangular, oval, round, bases to the use of stained glass inserts and complex ornate forms of plasterboard structures. When planning the configuration and design of the ceiling, it is necessary to take into account that:
Layout diagram for a two-level ceiling.
In rooms with high humidityIt is worthwhile to equip the double ceiling, since subsequently deformations of the GCR are possible. But if the project envisages such a design of the ceiling, moisture resistant plasterboard sheets can be used for one of the levels.
The overall height of the room will decrease. And if the loss of 5-10 cm is significant, then perhaps you should think about a different ceiling design or install one of the layers on top of the existing one.
The placement of built-in luminaires, which are used as a backlight, will allow you to divide the space into several zones or place the necessary accents.
The more complex and sophisticated the design of the doubleceiling, the more difficult it is to calculate the required materials, therefore, it is easier to make mistakes when buying, and the installation of a double ceiling can be delayed. Therefore, the use of excessively ornate configurations is not always justified. It is better to make a double ceiling not too complicated shape, and stylish and elegant it will give the right color and location of built-in lamps.
At the planning stage it is better to draw a diagramfuture ceiling. It is better to do this to scale and in accordance with the actual dimensions of the ceiling. This will allow you to see the overall picture, as well as to most accurately calculate the consumables. Return to the table of contents</a>
Tools and materials for the ceiling from the GKL
Tools for installing a plasterboard ceiling. The following tools will be needed:
- scissors for cutting metal;
- electric drill with various nozzles and drills;
- a construction knife with spare blades;
- Roulette and square;
- building water level;
- plumb bob;
- Screwdriver;
- spatula for sealing seams and joints;
- protective gloves and goggles.
Materials required:
Self-tapping screws for gypsum board and metal with a tip;
A conventional ceiling suspension for securing the profile to the ceiling, as well as a spring suspension, if the length of the usual suspension is not enough to fix the profile.
The UD type profile serves as a guiding profile for the type of CD on which the gypsum board is mounted.
Gypsum plasterboard with a thickness of 9.5 mm. If there is no sidewall and installation of luminaires in the tier that will be made of GCR, then a sheet with a thickness of 6 mm can be used.
If the ceiling is large enough orthe configuration of the double ceiling is quite complicated, then a CD profile connector may be required. To connect the CD profile at different levels, you may need a two-level connector. However, whenever possible, the use of a large number of connectors of various kinds should be avoided. This not only increases the construction, but it can affect the reliability of the entire double ceiling when installing with a violation of technology.
Dowels for fixing the suspension to the ceiling or the anchor wedge. The choice of this type of fasteners depends on the material of the ceiling and the walls to which the fasteners are made.
Tape and putty to seal the joints to the wall and seams between the sheets on the surface of the ceiling for the final finishing of the mounted double ceiling.
Lighting fixtures (type, quantity, size, color of bulb) are selected according to the need to divide the overall space of the room, the configuration of the ceiling. Return to contents</a>
Double ceiling from gipsokartonnyh sheets: features
Installation diagram of profiles for a double ceiling. There are 2 ways to make a double ceiling from plasterboard sheets:
First, the first level of the ceiling is mounted, and alreadyit is attached to the 2 tier. This method of installation of double ceilings is applicable for small areas of the 2nd level. After all, the main load on yourself takes the framework of level 1.
First, the 2nd level is mounted, and then between it and1 tier is constructed under the ceiling. With this method, the shapes and areas of both levels can be very different - there are no restrictions. However, this is a more complex and inconvenient method to implement and is used extremely rarely.
It should be noted that, whatever the method,manufacturing of a double ceiling, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology of work execution. The resulting structure will have a significant weight. Consequently, the requirements for its reliability and durability increase in relation to single-level ceilings. Return to contents</a>
Installation of double ceiling
The device can be divided into several stages:
Installation diagram of the double ceiling frame.
Preparatory.It is better to install a double ceiling in an empty room - this will make the task much easier. Next, you should carefully inspect the existing ceiling and eliminate defects: large cracks and depressions should be repaired (as these may be attachment points), loose plaster should be removed (to avoid the hanger mounting dowel falling out).
Marking for mounting the frame. First you need to find the smallest distance from floor to ceiling in the corners of the room. This angle will serve as the starting point for the markup to achieve the ideal horizontal. On the walls, you should apply a straight line with a construction cord. In the case of different lengths of walls in the room, the horizontal must first be clearly maintained. Therefore, when marking up, it is necessary to use the water building level (in the presence of a laser level, this stage will be significantly accelerated).
Mounting the frame of level 1. First, the UD profile is erected. It is fixed on the perimeter of the room and on the ceiling, according to the plan for the future ceiling. Fasteners are made using dowels with a step of no more than 60 cm. If the configuration of the double ceiling provides for the presence of rounded contours, then such profile is fastened on previously applied lines. Score the profile with metal scissors, and then bend the desired shape. To the ceiling fix the suspension dowels or anchors. Step fasteners is no more than 60 cm on flat areas and more often if it is a figured element of the ceiling. Next to the suspensions, the self-tapping screws with the tip attach the CD profile. Next, the frame 1 of the tier is to be gypsum board bound. If you need to cut the gypsum plasterboard according to the ceiling configuration, then the required shape is drawn on the sheet, then the incision is made with a construction knife, and then the sheet breaks with pressure. For a better sealing of joints of non-standard pieces of gypsum boards, a chamfer is cut with a knife.
Mounting of the frame 2 levels. Produced in the same way with the installation of 1 tier. Only the fastening is made to the GKL 1 tier, and as the suspenders use pieces of the profile of CD of equal length with cut out tabs for fasteners. For ease of installation, it's better to draw a level 2 contour on a 1-level sheet or a ceiling, if it's foreseen by the project.
Next comes the finishing of the resulting structure.The seams and joints are first sealed with self-adhesive tape and then filled with putty using a spatula. The screws that secure the plasterboard sheets are also filled. After the seams have dried, the entire surface of the ceiling is filled. Then the ceiling is rubbed with a grinding machine.