
How to make the measurement of the stretch ceiling simple form and two-level design?

Suspended ceiling - not only stylishinterior design, but also a useful design in many ways. Modern materials used in the manufacture of stretch ceilings are able to isolate the room from extraneous noise, improve its thermal insulation and fire safety.Suspended ceilingThe suspended ceiling is not only stylishinterior design, but also a useful design in many ways. One of the main tasks that must be solved when designing suspended structures is taking measurements. The accuracy of all measurements will determine not only the appearance of the ceiling, but also its service life. Therefore, this task should be approached with full responsibility. Below we will consider how to measure a stretch ceiling.

Registration of the metering form

Before ordering a tension structure, you need tomeasure the ceiling where it will be mounted and create a working sketch. If you plan to take all the measurements yourself, you will need a measurement form. You can get it from a company that manufactures and installs stretch ceilings.Filling out the measurement form.A schematic sketch of the future product is drawn in the form. All measurements must be made with maximum accuracy (deviations of no more than 5 mm are allowed). If errors are made during the measurements, the suspended ceiling will also be made incorrectly, which will lead to additional time and financial costs to eliminate all inaccuracies. It should also be taken into account that if any construction work was carried out in the room between the measurements and the installation of the ceiling, which led to a change in the configuration of the room, this may lead to disagreements between the contractor and the customer. Therefore, to avoid such a situation, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the ceiling tension should be measured by 2 different people who will work independently of each other, after which the results are checked against each other;
  • the representative of the manufacturer should check the sketch and confirm its correctness.

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Measuring the ceiling for a simple room

To take all measurements you may need:

  • roulette;
  • laser rangefinder;
  • form;
  • pencil.

Measuring the ceiling for a room of simple shape.If the room in which you plan to install a suspended structure has a simple shape (rectangle or square), then the order of taking measurements will look like this:

  • Sketch the sketch.
  • Measure the length of all the walls as close as possible tothe ceiling. It is necessary to measure all the walls, because absolutely correct geometric figures in construction are very rare (one wall in a square room can be several centimeters larger than the others). Wrecked walls can also distort the real picture, so measurements should be made near the ceiling itself.
  • Measure the diagonals of the room. This is due to the fact that the maximum possible number of measured distances should be indicated in the measurement blank, which will reduce the probability of an error to a minimum.
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    The ceiling measurement for a room of complex rectilinear shape

    If the room is a complex polygon, then in this case you need to:

  • Draw a sketch of the room.
  • Measure all straight sections of walls, and add the values ​​to the form.
  • Divide the room into the required number of triangles, and then measure all their sides. Enter the values ​​into the sketch.
  • If the ceiling in your house is supported by columns or there are still some factors that can affect the correctness of the measurements, indicate them on the sketch.
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    Measurement of a two-level construction

    Creating a sketch of a two-level tensionceiling - is a rather complicated operation, in which you need to take into account a lot of factors. Therefore, it is recommended to entrust this work to a specialist. If you are completely confident in your abilities, you can try to do it yourself. A two-level ceiling allows you to create a unique design for the room, give it freshness and get rid of shortcomings.Measuring the ceiling for a room with a complex linear shapeforms. With the right choice of suspended structure, it becomes possible to make effective zoning of space. When choosing a two-level stretch ceiling, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Curvilinear design will look great in a spacious room. You need to know that such ceilings can not only visually increase the space, but also narrow it.
  • For such ceilings, it is best to select materials with decorative patterns, various patterns and inserts for fixtures.
  • It is very important to properly design the lighting system, with which you can give the room some features of practicality and sophistication.
  • For the design of a two-level ceilingit is recommended to use materials of a different color and texture. As a basis, the white color, which perfectly matches with other shades, will ideally look.
  • Two-level stretch ceilings can be of various designs, the measurement of which has its own nuances. The most popular designs of two-level ceilings are:

    • closed curve;
    • ellipse;
    • a circle;
    • from wall to wall.

    Measuring a two-level structure. A closed curve is a curvilinear structure of arbitrary shape. Its measurement is carried out as follows:

    • the whole figure is divided by points into geometric arcs, that is, to curvilinear sections with a constant radius (A, B, C, ..., J);
    • the chords of the obtained arcs are measured (L1, L2, ..., L10);
    • from any point (for example, from point A) all diagonals are measured;
    • The lengths of all arcs (d1, d2, ..., d10) are calculated.

    After taking all the measurements you need todetermine the location of the 1st and 2nd ceiling levels. The sketch indicates the height of the 1st and 2nd levels and the type of transition (simple transition, with lighting, etc.). Measuring a two-level elliptical ceiling is much easier. To do this, you need to measure 2 heights of the ellipse, indicate the location of the 1st and 2nd levels and the type of transition. For a round structure, you only need to measure the diameter of the circle and then indicate the data, as in the previous example. Measuring a curvilinear stretch ceiling, designed as "wall to wall", is carried out according to the same principle as in the first case. You can easily measure a suspended ceiling yourself. The main thing is to strictly follow all the rules and recommendations.</ ul>

