
How to remove old lime: preparation of solutions

Any home sooner or later requires maintenancerepair. To choose the right building materials, you need to decide for yourself what the new interior will be, its color scheme, and the furnishings in it. Whitewashing with lime remains relevant to this day. However, old whitewashing is not so easy to remove. How to remove old whitewashing?Removing old whitewashBefore you start scraping off the old whitewash, you need to wet it with warm water.

Preparatory work before lime removal

Removing the old powder layer from differentsurfaces in itself implies repairs of an impressive scale. To get down to business, you need to thoroughly prepare. It is not difficult to remove whitewash on your own, but the process itself will cause many difficulties, because the dust in the room will be strong. Therefore, the room in which you need to remove whitewash is cleared of small things and other accessories that absorb dust well. Large-sized furniture (tables, cabinets, etc.) can be covered with film, having previously moved it away from the surfaces from which you need to remove lime. It is better to cover the floor space with newspapers. When carrying out work, it is important to observe safety precautions by disconnecting the electricity in the home. If conditions allow, it is advisable to completely remove the wires from the workplace so as not to damage their integrity and not to soak them.Tools for removing whitewash.Attention should also be paid to personal protection. It is important to understand that it is no longer possible to use clothes after primitive manipulations to remove lime. In addition, you should choose a suit that will cover most of the body surface. Hair should be covered with a bandage or a cap, and hands should be protected by rubber gloves (hands play a significant role in contact with lime). A regular respirator or a medical bandage will help protect the respiratory tract. Lime is a chemical substance that can absorb moisture and burn. Therefore, it is so important to protect your eyes from its penetration. Plastic glasses help with this. Return to contents</a>

A way to quickly remove whitewash

The most affordable way to remove limescalevery easy in practice - this is done with an ordinary builders' spatula. Need to remove old lime with a spatula? Then you will need:

  • directly the device;
  • dishes with warm water;
  • sponge (better than larger ones);
  • brush.

Remove old lime from walls or ceilingsusing a spatula is quite labor-intensive. First of all, you should worry about the reliability of the support. If the lime needs to be removed from a height (ceiling), then you need to put a table. Then squeeze the spatula in your fist at a certain angle. By pressing on the tool, scrape off the lime that easily comes off the surface.Methods for removing whitewash.When the lime layer has accumulated to a sufficient thickness, you will have to use a container with warm water and a large paint brush, wetting the surfaces of the walls and ceiling. If you have a sprayer, you should definitely use it. After some time, when the moisture is absorbed with sufficient force and does not fall down in the form of drops or flow down the walls, you need to wet the whitewash a second time and wait for some time. After such measures, you can, without much effort, remove the old whitewash with a spatula. Return to the table of contents</a>

Preparation of solutions for whitewash removal

There are situations when only a spatula and warm water are needed.you can't do it with water. Then you'll have to look for more sophisticated options, including preparing appropriate solutions from available products. These methods are well known and are often used in such cases. Therefore, knowing how to remove an old layer of whitewash with a soap solution, acid or paste will definitely not be superfluous. Preparing a soap solution will require stocking up on:

  • 10 liters of warm water;
  • 5 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 1/3 part of household soap;
  • a container for making a solution;
  • roller, sponge or brush.

Dissolve the crushed mixture in a bowl with warm water.soap and soda on a grater, mix the mixture until a homogeneous composition is obtained. If there is no laundry soap, it can be replaced with liquid soap or washing powder. After that, the solution is applied to the whitewashed surfaces using a roller or brush. Each subsequent movement will show how quickly the lime will go away from the ceiling and walls. The event lasts until the old whitewash is completely removed.Stages of removing old whitewash from the ceiling andapplying a new one. No less common is the method of removing old whitewash, when resorting to making paste at home. The use of this method involves preparing the following materials and devices:

  • boiling water;
  • starch or flour;
  • dishes for mixing;
  • brushes;
  • spatula.

Before preparing the paste, you need to know itvolume in accordance with the distribution area. The proportions of the ingredients are prepared based on the fact that 2 tablespoons of the binding component (starch or flour) are spent on 1 liter of paste. To obtain a lump-free paste, it is better to boil the water for the mixture. For mixing, pour a little water into the container and add the required amount of starch or flour. Stir thoroughly, then add the remaining liquid. The paste is ready for use. It is most convenient to apply the paste to the walls with a volume brush. This should be done, maintaining an even layer so that the thickness of the whitewash is well saturated in different places. Wait for some time to let the surfaces dry. As a result, a solid crust of glued lime should form. Then the crust is easily removed with an ordinary spatula. This method is good because it is economical, does not lead to much pollution and does not require significant effort. If the second option does not help to cope with the old layer of whitewash, then you can try a radical method - remove the whitewash with acid. The method is actually not as scary as it may seem at first. Acid solutions are used in low concentrations, not even capable of causing a burn to the skin. To prepare an acid solution that easily removes old whitewash, you need to prepare:When removing old whitewash with a grinding machine, you need to take care to protect your eyes from flying dust.

  • vinegar (or hydrochloric acid) 3% concentration (sold in the pharmacy network);
  • water;
  • dishes for mixing;
  • roller or brush;
  • putty knife.

If the solution is prepared by hand, thenwater is poured into the container first, followed by acid. The prepared solution is applied to the surface with a brush or roller. After this, the lime begins to swell, and can be easily removed with a metal spatula. Return to contents</a>

Additional ways to remove lime

Under additional methods that allowremove whitewash, suggest those that are not often used during repairs due to their atypical nature for this type of procedure. These methods of removing whitewash are considered to be the use of a washing or ordinary vacuum cleaner, a grinding machine, as well as the creation of a tightly adjoining crust from cardboard. If you get rid of whitewash with a vacuum cleaner, then you need to think carefully about how the option will be carried out. The vacuum cleaner is usually set to the air flow mode, which is used to spray water on the whitewash in a more uniform layer, so that later it is easy to remove the lime layer with a spatula or sponge. A washing model of a vacuum cleaner is used in a completely different way. The second option involves the operation of the vacuum cleaner according to the instructions, according to which windows are washed. The vacuum cleaner is turned on when the barrel is completely filled with water and its bristles are slowly moved along the lime surface. The vacuum cleaner will spray water, which, when absorbed, will soften the lime, while collecting the excess layer of whitewash. This method is considered to be the simplest and cleanest. However, after such cleaning is completed, an expensive device may become unsuitable for future use due to clogging or loss of rubber parts of their qualities due to damage by a caustic composition. Another additional method is the formation of a cardboard crust on a whitewashed surface. The method is based on the use of a special adhesive solution to remove the whitewashed thickness. To do this, buy wallpaper glue (it can be cheap) and stock up on a large number of unusable printing products (for example, newspapers). According to the instructions, a water-glue solution is made in a container, then an even layer is applied to the whitewash. Before the adhesive composition dries, it is covered with newspaper sheets in 1 layer so that they absorb the glue. Dried newspapers resemble cardboard, easily scraped off with a metal spatula. Using a grinding machine involves processing the whitewash with a grinding disk. Now you can easily remove the old whitewash. Good luck!

