One of the most common materials forinterior decoration of the premises today remains wallpaper. Over time, thanks to the latest technologies, the old paper covering gave way to non-woven wallpaper, consisting of synthetic fiber, polymer binder and cellulose, possessing unique properties and a wide variety of textures. How to glue non-woven wallpaper according to all the rules should be considered in more detail.Non-woven wallpaper consists of synthetic fibers, polymer binder and cellulose.
Preliminary work before wallpapering
Before you hang the wallpaper, you need to do some preparatory work. It consists of:
- in the selection of materials and tools;
- in surface preparation;
- in wallpaper fit;
- in the dilution of glue.
First of all, you need to choose the non-woven wallpaper yourselfwallpaper, which can be of 2 types: white (for further painting) and with a PVC layer applied, decorated to look like stone, fabric, textured plaster, etc. The following materials and tools will be useful for the work:Wallpaper pasting tools.
- primer;
- putty;
- antiseptic;
- adhesive for wallpaper;
- container for glue;
- sandpaper;
- rollers;
- spatulas;
- brush;
- spray;
- building level;
- pencil;
- roulette;
- Ruler;
- sharp knife;
- soft sponge;
- ladder.
After selecting all the required materials andtools, you need to prepare the surface of the walls or ceiling. It is imperative to remove all the old coating from it. To do this, you can use warm water, a sponge and a metal spatula. If there are moldy corners, they must be cleaned and treated with a special antiseptic composition against rot and fungus. All cracks and various damages on the surface must be repaired using putty and a spatula. After the composition dries, the surface must be treated with sandpaper to make it even. When working with non-woven wallpaper, you do not need to strive for ideal surface evenness, because their unique texture will mask small defects.The procedure for gluing wallpaper.For better adhesion of the wallpaper to the surface, it is necessary to use a special primer, which is applied to the surface with a brush or a soft roller. After this, time is given for the surface to dry. Now it is necessary to prepare the wallpaper. It should begin by checking the pattern and color of the wallpaper rolls for similarity. In advance, each sheet is measured and cut with a sharp knife to a given size, adding 5-10 cm from the bottom and top. If the wallpaper has a pattern, then it is also necessary to select it. Each sheet can be numbered on the back side with a pencil. Special glue for non-woven sheets is prepared immediately before gluing. The dry composition of the glue is diluted in cold water in accordance with the proportions indicated on the package. Return to the table of contents</a>
The main work on the gluing of non-woven wallpaper
Now we can move on to a detailed examinationinstructions on how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper. The process of gluing wallpaper itself, especially after high-quality preparation, is not particularly difficult. You can glue the walls yourself, but you will need an assistant for the ceiling. You need to start the work by closing the windows and doors so that there are no drafts that can adversely affect the wallpaper. Using a pencil and measuring instruments, you need to mark a straight vertical line, which you will then use as a guide. You should start gluing wallpaper from the corner next to the window, moving from top to bottom. In this case, the wallpaper joints will be the least noticeable.An example of wallpapering a corner of a room.The technology for pasting this type of wallpaper is as follows: special glue is applied evenly with a roller to a flat surface of a wall or ceiling, to a width slightly larger than the width of the wallpaper. One of the features of this type of repair is that glue is not applied to non-woven wallpaper. An important point in the repair is the correct pasting of the corners. Each corner should be well coated with glue using a brush. Only in the corners should the wallpaper sheets overlap each other by 5 cm. Moreover, the 1st sheet is pasted from the corner itself. If the corner is not quite even, then the wallpaper can be trimmed a little according to its configuration and pasted. The prepared wallpaper sheet is pressed against the surface coated with glue, exactly along the vertical line marked on the wall with a pencil. The wallpaper is smoothed with special rollers, in the direction from the middle to the edges, to expel the air that has gotten under the sheet. The work should be done carefully and do not allow glue to get on the front side of the wallpaper. If this happens, you need to remove the glue immediately with a damp sponge. After gluing the first strip, you need to spread glue on the surface for the next one. The strip is laid end-to-end to the edge of the previous one and carefully smoothed with rollers. Particular attention should be paid to working on difficult areas of the wall - next to sockets, switches, radiators. Near the floor, the wallpaper is reinforced with skirting boards, and near the ceiling - with edging or skirting boards. If you want to paste over the ceiling with non-woven wallpaper, the work is carried out in a similar way. But in this case, you will have to use the help of an assistant. Thus, knowing the technology and having everything you need at hand, gluing non-woven wallpaper will not be difficult. Thanks to its unique composition and many positive properties, this finishing material will delight and surprise for many years.</ ul>