In houses built relatively recently,over a certain period of time, the process of shrinkage of the walls occurs. In the premises of such buildings, it is advisable to glue vinyl wallpaper, since their structure includes such a material as non-woven fabric. It has elastic properties, which allows the canvases to repeat the shape and adapt to minor changes in the process of shrinkage of the room.In addition to its aesthetic qualities, vinyl wallpaperresistant to moisture, mold and mildew, and they are also practical, reliable and easy to clean. Most people assume that vinyl wallpaper is glued in the same way as paper, but this is a misconception. In fact, there are many differences in the gluing process. If you ignore the technology describing how to glue vinyl wallpaper, there is a risk of ruining expensive building materials and having to redo the repair. The gluing process will require you to know some features, without which it is quite difficult to complete the repair with the expected result.
The first step in the process of pasting walls with vinylwallpaper can be considered the choice of the base material and the calculation of its required quantity. When pasting a room, it is necessary to use a special type of adhesive mixture. This is one of many nuances, having familiarized yourself with which you will understand how, without resorting to the help of professionals. For the upcoming work, the following materials and tools will be required:
- the required number of wallpaper rolls;
- packing glutinous mixture;
- large and small spatulas;
- water-based paint;
- electric drill with a mixer nozzle;
- a wallpaper knife;
- roulette and ruler;
- plumb bob;
- soft brush.
Preparing the surface of the walls for gluing
The process of preparing walls for wallpapering,mainly consists of cleaning the surface from old wallpaper and leveling the walls. As you know, the walls of any room immediately catch the eye of a person who first enters the room. Their uniformity and external treatment are the basis for the attractiveness of the entire interior of the room. Before , you need to prepare them for the upcoming work. First of all, it is worth considering that the original surface must be uniform and dry. Before , you need to clean the walls from worn wallpaper or old finishing. In the first case, the canvases will need to be completely wetted with running water, and then removed with a large spatula. Any cracks, crevices and flaws encountered in the process of removing old wallpaper must be carefully repaired with putty. To prevent adhesive stains from appearing under the canvases, you will need to prime the surface to be treated with a special mixture, which is obtained by diluting wallpaper glue with a large amount of water (the proportions are shown on the package). After this, the surface is painted with water-based paint. In the future, uniform walls are quite simply plastered. Return to Contents</a>
Preparing wallpaper paste
You can use it to dilute the electric drill with a special attachment, or mix the solution manually, but strictly adhere to the proportions specified in the instructions for each package of glue. When buying wallpaper glue, you should immediately pay attention to the presence of mixing proportions and instructions for use. Each type implies individual proportions, so clear recommendations cannot be given. The adhesive mixture should be poured carefully, as lumps and clots may form, which will cause a lot of trouble during the gluing process. Let's assume that you bought a package of adhesive mixture that is diluted in 10 liters of water. First of all, you need to select a suitable basin with an additional reserve of 5 liters and fill it with the required amount of cool water. After this, you need to take an electric drill with a mixing attachment, dip it in water and turn it on to a slow mode. At the same time, you will need to add adhesive mixture to the water in small portions. It is better not to rush during the pouring process, otherwise there is a risk of clots forming. Once you have used all the mixture, you need to let the glue settle for 5-10 minutes, and then mix it again with a mixer attachment. This stage requires strict adherence to the sequence of actions. Do not neglect it, since the result of your efforts depends on the adhesive mixture. Return to the table of contents</a>
Preparing canvases for gluing
Prepare canvases of the required length with selectionthe pattern must be drawn in advance so that you do not get distracted by it during the pasting process. Before pasting the room, you need to prepare the canvases. First of all, you need to completely unpack the entire set of purchased wallpaper and check each roll for possible defects, pattern inconsistencies, and color. After completing the check, you can begin cutting the canvases into pieces of the required size. Pasting wallpaper, vinyl or paper, is much easier if they do not have any pattern that needs to be aligned at the joints. In this case, the cutting process will take less time, since the size of all pieces can be calculated without shifting and cut off immediately. If you choose wallpaper with a pattern, you will have to put much more effort into cutting. After unrolling 2 rolls, you need to align the pattern at the joint and only then measure the desired size and cut the canvas. The size is calculated by measuring the distance from the baseboard to the ceiling. In this case, you will need to cut the canvases with a margin of 10-15 cm. Return to the table of contents</a>
Kleim vinyl wallpaper
Before you start, you need to readthe manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the roll packaging, since some wallpapers also require glue to be applied to the back side. The procedure for wallpapering a room requires a responsible approach, since this stage is the most important. It should be taken into account that gluing wallpaper with an overlap is unacceptable. All edges must be joined carefully, there should be no gaps between them. You can start gluing only after the primer layer has completely dried. The adhesive mixture needs some time to swell. It is applied to the wall fragment that is designed for 1 section, after which the canvas can be glued and continue working in the same order. Monitor the glue getting on the outer part of the canvas, since it can leave noticeable stains on them. Some brands of vinyl wallpaper require applying the adhesive mixture to the back of the canvas, so before gluing, you need to check the instructions on the packaging.
It is recommended to glue wallpaper in the room in onedirection, starting from the window. Wallpapering should start directly from the window opening, if there is one in the room. To ensure that the piece of wallpaper is placed evenly on the wall, use a plumb line and ruler to draw a longitudinal line from the ceiling to the baseboard. Tightly pasted wallpaper should be smoothed out with a soft brush from top to bottom. To remove bubbles, move the brush from the middle to the edge. Trim off excess pieces from the bottom and top using a wallpaper knife and a ruler. When joining wallpaper, remove any glue that comes out of the joints using a damp piece of cloth. It is recommended to wallpaper at a constant room temperature. It is important to keep the room completely insulated and reduce the likelihood of air exchange to a minimum. Return to Contents</a>
Correct wallpaper gluing
Wallpaper pasting diagram.To ensure good gluing of the wallpaper in the corners of the room, it is necessary to make an overhang of 4-5 cm beyond the corner border and join the other piece on a flat surface. It is not recommended to join 2 pieces directly at the bend of the corner. It is also unacceptable to glue a whole piece of wallpaper to the corner with the central part. In the area of doorways, the wallpaper is glued only from one edge, otherwise you will not be able to join it correctly at the top of the door. Above the opening, it is necessary to glue a whole piece, which will subsequently be cut off from below. The rest of the canvas is joined to the previous piece and thus the fragments are glued to the end of the opening. It is very important to glue the pieces only in one direction (clockwise or counterclockwise). In the place of the window opening, the wallpaper is glued by overlapping by 1-2 cm at the angle of the slope. Before gluing, do not forget to align the canvas with a plumb line so that the overlap is as uniform as possible. After gluing the wallpaper fragment, it is necessary to carefully cut the canvas with a knife at the top and bottom of the slope corner, and then glue it with an overlap of 1-2 cm. Excess pieces above the window slope, on the windowsill and under it are evenly cut off with a ruler.
The most reliable option when gluing wallpaperin the corners it is considered to make an overlap on the adjacent wall by 4-5 cm and join both canvases on a flat surface. If there are pipes or radiators in the room being renovated, the task of gluing wallpaper is complicated. Experts recommend gluing with an overlap of no more than 20 cm behind the batteries. Firstly, you will not be able to glue hard-to-reach places well. Secondly, most often this is not required, since the wall surface is practically invisible behind the radiators. If you still decide to take on the implementation of this undertaking, it is recommended to cut the wallpaper into 10-15 cm strips and press them with a suitable device that fits behind the battery. Another method for solving this problem is to paint the hard-to-reach area with paint that has a color similar to the wallpaper. To do this, you will need to select a flat brush and lengthen its handle by attaching an oblong holder to the tail. To get a truly impressive result, you need to figure out how to glue vinyl wallpaper in the floor and ceiling area. To simplify this task, special triangular rulers have been created. They can be used to measure the required size and immediately cut off excess fabric. The ruler for cutting wallpaper does not require sharpening the blades. In addition, it does not deteriorate under the influence of the adhesive mixture. Gluing vinyl wallpaper with your own hands in the ceiling area is a labor-intensive process, so it is recommended that the work be carried out with the help of 1-2 assistants. Pasting is carried out in almost the same way as on the walls. You only need to mark the desired area for the pasted canvas. During the work, the assistant should hold the other edge of the segment with an oblong object (for example, a mop). Pasting vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling alone is quite a difficult task. Surely, without outside help, you will not be able to do it evenly. If you plan to stick borders on wallpaper with an even coating, you will need to soak them in water for 5 minutes. Then glue is applied to the back of the border, after which it is fixed in the desired part of the wall. But if the wallpaper has a relief coating, it will be more difficult to attach the borders. It is recommended to fix them on the wall surface before you start gluing the wallpaper. It is quite easy to glue vinyl wallpaper in places where sockets and switches are located. To do this, you need to turn off the electricity, dismantle the socket panel and cover the sockets with solid sheets while gluing the room. Upon completion of the work, you need to make cuts in the sockets according to their diameter and fix the panels in their places. The manual describes in detail how to glue vinyl wallpaper yourself. For a successful result, it is recommended to take into account all the nuances of this process.