A narrow concrete house in one of the cities of VietnamNarrow concrete house – what’s so special about it? Because it can accommodate everything needed in a limited space, such houses are being built in many densely populated cities in Japan and Vietnam. Another such house (Cul-de-Sac House) is 4 meters wide in the Vietnamese city of Vinh, designed for a young couple by Nguyen Khac Phuoc Architects from Hanoi. Although the photos show little of the interior, we can fully appreciate the architecture: polished concrete floors with whitewashed walls in a three-story house that is surrounded on three sides by other buildings.
Narrow concrete house in Vietnam ProvisionThe architects were given a high priority to provide light and air in the narrow, elongated house, which is why they decided on additional windows that start from the central atrium with overhead lighting that rises above each room (see photo above).
A narrow house with a concrete floor and whitewashed walls
Narrow House in Vietnamese City
Narrow concrete house
Narrow house in the Vietnamese city of Vinh
A narrow house in a densely populated city in Vietnam
Narrow concrete house in one of the cities of Vietnam