During renovations in a Khrushchev-era buildinga very common problem is how to level the walls in a Khrushchev-era apartment? The plaster crumbles and falls onto the floor. This is especially evident in apartments built in Soviet times. This is due to the commissioning of a residential building, which usually took place without strict control, in a slipshod manner. Today, this is monitored much more strictly, but even in our time there are builders who do work with defects. It is good if a small piece falls onto the floor in a Khrushchev-era apartment, but what if a large one? This is not only damage to the floor itself, but also a danger to the people who are there.The walls are leveled using plaster orinstalling plasterboard. In addition, wall defects are clearly visible under the paint. Wallpaper cannot hide unevenly laid plaster. It is strictly forbidden to glue silkscreen printing on such walls. There is only one thing left - to level them.
Features, Required Tools
There are many different ways to level walls. The most effective are:The process of installing beacons on the wall.
Wall puttying is used only ifthere are small defects. Such work does not require special skills and extensive experience. Leveling with plaster profiles looks very interesting. This method makes it possible to level the largest unevenness, and it does not take much time. With their help, you can get absolutely even walls. The plaster profile consists of:
There is no need to remove the plaster guides.As a result, the walls are completely even. Another advantage of plaster profiles is the fact that, judging by the degree of curvature of the wall, it becomes possible to pre-determine the thickness of the plaster in order to eliminate the defect. Having determined the thickness of the plaster, you can calculate the required amount of mortar.The alignment of the walls using beacons is carried outcement mortar using a rule. The option of leveling with plasterboard has become very popular. These sheets help to get a perfectly smooth surface quickly and easily. However, there are also negative aspects. For example, the area of the apartment will be reduced, and you will not be able to hang anything heavy on the wall. Finishing walls with plasterboard is one of the most suitable options for leveling the wall and masking all the flaws. In order to level the wall in a Khrushchev with plasterboard, you need to mount a metal or wooden frame to which the plasterboard sheets will be attached. To level the wall in a Khrushchev, you must have:
- guides;
- basic profiles;
- sheets of plasterboard;
- fasteners details;
- Screwdriver;
- scissors for metal;
- level;
- screws.
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Practical recommendations
Scheme of lathing for plasterboard.First, the surfaces are marked. When the wall has a "pot-bellied" appearance, then using a level, relative to the largest bulges on the floor in Khrushchev-era buildings, marks are made. Stepping back 3 cm from the marks, a line is drawn along the entire length of the wall, which is a reference point for installing the guide profile. For greater clarity, the line can be painted using a cord. In accordance with the drawn line, using a plumb line, notches are made on the ceiling. The resulting marks are connected with a similar line. The same operation is carried out with other lines. As a result, a rectangle is obtained, along the sides of which the guide profiles can be fixed. The next step will be to study the walls and detect voids, crumbling cracked plaster. Before performing such an operation, it is necessary to remove the old wallpaper. There is no need to remove paint from ceilings or painted walls. It can only be removed where strong peeling is visible. Voids are determined by ordinary tapping. In those places where the plaster ringing is dull, it is necessary to knock it out with a chisel, you can use a pick. Using a chisel, you need to widen the cracks. You can’t just cover the cracks from above, as they can start to crack even more. As a result, they will tear the plaster, pasted wallpaper, etc. There is only one way out of this situation: the cracks need to be widened.
Layout of plasterboard sheets on the wallAfter completing this operation, the walls need to be treated with impregnation. To get a good result, you need to buy a high-quality primer, because the paint will be removed. If the primer is high-quality, then adhesion improves. Excellent primer is very difficult to wash off after drying, so all work must be done with gloves. When laying the floor, you must hide your hair. The primer "Vosko" has long been recognized, it is quite expensive, but its quality is worth it. Plaster treated with a primer stops crumbling. After impregnation, you need to wait until the wall is completely dry and prepare all the tools for the process of leveling the walls. When the curvature of the wall is small, you can get by with a facade spatula. For deep holes, bumpy surfaces, you need to use the "trapezoid rule". When renovating an apartment, this tool is very convenient, since it weighs little. For work, it is enough to have 1.5 m of the rule. The most suitable material for the leveling operation is gypsum plaster. The range of this plaster is huge. It is very important to buy a plaster mix. Regular plaster has a larger consistency, so it is easier to apply in fairly thick layers. Using a facade spatula, you can level walls that have small defects using gypsum putty. The composition is diluted with water until the mixture reaches the appearance of thick sour cream. The wall is leveled with a spatula with the composition. Sometimes the spatula is large, it is very heavy to work with, even professional plasterers hold the tool with both hands. The gypsum is diluted in small portions, since it requires quick application to the wall, otherwise it can harden.
Leveling the wall with putty.A Khrushchev-era building with particularly crooked walls requires working with a rule. When the plaster has been knocked out and the cracks have been expanded, it is necessary to treat the cracks with plaster in advance. After 24 hours, you can begin the leveling process. The walls are measured with a rule to detect bumps. When the number of bumps is small, it is better to remove them for economical consumption of plaster. If there are a lot of them, then you need to introduce a plane under the most protruding place. Using a spatula, plaster is applied to the wall, followed by pulling the rule in different directions, preferably diagonally. Return to contents</a>
Additional points
When leveling a wall it is required thatthe corners and joints were well processed. If you apply the rule vertically, there should be no bumps. A similar situation occurs in places where the floor in a Khrushchev-era building and the ceiling meet the wall. In this case, the rule should be installed horizontally; otherwise, the baseboard will not be able to hide all the defects. It is always difficult to level a plane. Sometimes a lot of material is required, and the layer thickness increases significantly. Drying time directly depends on the layer depth. Usually it is several days. Then the walls are processed with a sanding mesh. It does a much better job of sanding than sandpaper. At the next stage, the walls are again impregnated with a primer; when everything dries, puttying work is carried out. The range of putties is huge. It is very convenient to use ready-made material in a plastic bucket. A medium spatula is best suited for applying putty. The composition should be applied evenly, preventing the appearance of a wave. After the first layer dries, the second is applied. The dried layer must be carefully polished using sandpaper. The mesh is not suitable for this operation. The sanded wall is treated with primer again. All work on leveling the wall ends here.