The most common decorative coatingfor walls are wallpaper. During the renovation process, each master faces the question of how to beautifully . The solution to this problem involves following the rules for gluing and preparing the surface.Correct combination and gluing of wallpaper will hide wall defects and emphasize the individuality of the interior.
Tools and materials
- level;
- chisel;
- putty;
- scraper;
- respirator for training;
- brush;
- gloves;
- ladder;
- plaster;
- putty knife.
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Preparing the wall surface before starting work
To paste the wallpaper you will need specialtools and equipment. You can only wallpaper a wall that has been cleared of old coatings, especially old wallpaper that needs to be removed. The wall needs to be leveled and checked for excessive humidity. First, you need to wet the old wallpaper using a soap solution in which you need to dilute the glue intended for gluing wallpaper. The mixture prepared in this way will help soften the wallpaper, and in this state it will be easy to remove it from the wall. Before applying the solution to the old wallpaper, its surface should be cut with a sharp knife. The solution should be well absorbed, which will take about 10 minutes, only then can you begin to dismantle the coating from the walls. A spatula will make it easy to rid the walls of soaked paper. If you were not able to completely remove the wallpaper from some areas, then the procedure will need to be repeated. In addition to the spatula, you will need other tools, including a chisel, scraper, brush, gloves, as well as a stepladder and a respirator.
Before wallpapering, the wall needs to be prepared,remove old wallpaper, level the wall surface. The walls in the room may be painted with oil paint, which can be removed with sandpaper. will only be possible when the surface is free of irregularities and cracks, for which you should use putty and plaster. Water-based paint will help remove glue stains from the surface, after applying it (after 10 minutes) the surface should be covered with a layer of wallpaper glue. Such a surface will become a better base for wallpaper. The adhesion properties of the surface will be even better if the base is treated with sandpaper. Dust can be removed with a solution of glue and water. Return to contents</a>
Technology of sticking paper wallpapers
If you decide to wallpaper the room, andIf you do not have any special skills in this area, you should not buy wallpaper that has a complex pattern, it is not easy to adjust. If you use wallpaper intended for further painting, then you should glue it end-to-end, not with an overlap. The seams of the coating will not be noticeable after applying the paint. In order to glue the wallpaper in the room, you need to apply the adhesive composition to the canvas, after which you need to fold it in half, without forming a fold. In this state, the canvas should remain on the floor for 10 minutes, during this time the composition will soak the wallpaper, and it will lie flat on the wall. Return to the table of contents</a>
Features of gluing vinyl wallpaper
Technology of gluing vinyl wallpaper.If you decide to glue wallpaper called vinyl, then the surface for their thin varieties should be prepared as thoroughly as possible. When using a heavy version of vinyl wallpaper, such careful preparation is not necessary. Heavy vinyl wallpaper can hide minor defects of the wall surface. The cutting of the sheets should be done with a margin of 5 cm. The adhesive composition can be applied with a roller with nap. Heavy wallpaper should be prepared in several strips at once. The first strip should be glued from the corner of the wall located perpendicular to the window. The strip must be straightened, leaned against the upper part of the wall and smoothed out, you can use a roller or a brush for this. Particular attention should be paid to the joints, they must be smoothed out with a separate roller. This tool should be chosen depending on the texture of the coating. Thus, a rubber roller is suitable for heavy smooth and light wallpaper, but a ribbed plastic roller will easily smooth out waterproof or textured wallpaper.
The first strip of wallpaper is pasted from the window, thenfollow the numbering of the diagram. As soon as the strip is successfully glued to the wall, the remainder at the floor should be trimmed using a wallpaper ruler and a wallpaper knife. Excess glue should be removed with a damp cloth. The joints should also be treated, they should be blotted with a sponge. Do not be overzealous and rub the joints, as this can cause shine to appear after the glue dries. Wallpaper can be glued at the joints using a special glue for joints, which is sold in tubes with a sharp nose. As soon as 2 adjacent canvases are glued, you can inject glue for joints into the seam and roll with a roller. Return to the table of contents</a>
The principle of gluing non-woven wallpaper
You can hang non-woven wallpaper onsurface that must first be treated with putty and primer. It is possible not to get rid of small scratches and depressions on the base. Before gluing, the surface should be marked using a level, the first strip will be glued along the marked line. It is not recommended to draw a solid line with a pencil, this is due to the fact that non-woven coverings are extremely sensitive to various types of dirt. In addition, a clear line can be visible from under the wallpaper. This is why it is permissible to mark with a thin dotted line.When choosing and gluing wallpaper, you need to pay attentionPay attention to the marking symbols. Wallpaper on a non-woven base can only be pasted using a special adhesive composition. Its consistency, unlike traditional wallpaper glue, is viscous and oily. That is why it needs a little more time to be absorbed. In this case, the adhesive composition should be applied to the wall surface, and not to the back of the wallpaper. If you neglect this requirement, the canvases to which the glue was applied will deform after drying, and cracks may form between adjacent canvases. The adhesive composition should be applied with a special roller. And in hard-to-reach places and corners, it can be applied with a brush. You can paste the wallpaper beautifully by providing aesthetic joints, but if this cannot be achieved, you can use the technique described below. The canvas should be pasted with a small overlap on the previous one. In this case, the intersection should be equal to 3 cm. Next, it is the turn of a sharp construction knife and a long steel ruler. Using these tools, you will need to make a through cut at the intersection of the canvases, while it is necessary to cut 2 canvases. Now you can remove the trimmings, coat the resulting ideal joint with glue and straighten the canvases. If the room is supposed to be pasted with wide non-woven wallpaper, they must be arranged in the corners in a special way. The wallpaper should be pasted so that the overlap on the adjacent wall is equal to 2-3 cm. If there is no canvas of a suitable width, it should be prepared taking into account the overlap on the adjacent wall. Next, you can use one of the existing options for pasting wide non-woven wallpaper in the corners of the room. The first option is the only correct one for wallpaper that has a pattern. In this case, the canvas should be pasted from the corner, while the overlap formed earlier will help to hide the errors of an uneven corner. The second option is perfect for plain wallpaper, but they can also be pasted using the first option. The canvas should also be pasted from the corner, and then cut both canvases with a knife, removing the excess. The resulting joint should be coated and straightened. But this option is not suitable for wallpaper with a pattern, since cutting will cause a violation of the pattern, which will be noticeable. Such wide wallpaper is much more difficult to paste than ordinary ones, especially without assistants, but the work will be completed in a shorter time than when using narrow wallpaper. Whatever wallpaper is used during the repair, it is necessary to follow all the rules for preparing the surface, since this largely determines the final result. The aesthetics of the coating also depends on how correctly the canvases are combined, as well as how much excess air is removed from under them. That is why each stage must be given attention when carrying out work.