When you need to hang wallpaper in a room,putty or tile, finishing work begins after . If there are no signs of lime deterioration, a layer of water-based paint can be applied to it, having previously treated the surface with a special primer. Any finishing materials adhere well to lime whitewash, but adhesion occurs only with its last layer. For this reason, after applying putty or other material, the finishing layer of lime becomes heavy and falls off the walls. Therefore, the question arises of how to remove lime from walls.Lime is removed from the walls with a sponge soaked in warm water.
Necessary tools and materials
To clean the walls you will need:Cleaning equipment: rubber gloves, apron, safety glasses.
- a sharpened spatula made of metal or a scraper (width from 6 mm to 8 mm);
- a water basin;
- metal brush;
- respirator or gauze bandage;
- protective glasses.
There are several ways to remove old limescale:
- wet;
- dry.
The choice depends on the specific case. In one situation it is possible from the walls, and for the second it will be necessary to clean the material with a spatula centimeter by centimeter. Return to the table of contents</a>
Removing the whitewash in a dry way
This method is suitable for rooms in whichinterior items are covered with film, or for rooms where there is no furniture. A grinding machine with large abrasive paper is suitable for carrying out the work. When removing lime from the walls, it is necessary to ensure that the furniture is tightly covered with film, otherwise a thick layer of dust will remain on it, removing which will require a lot of time and effort. It is necessary to remove lime from the wall gradually, without rushing. When all the layers are removed, the room is thoroughly washed and further repair work is carried out. Return to the table of contents</a>
Removing the whitewash in a wet way
Methods for removing whitewash.If you don't have a grinding machine at hand, this method is ideal. To do this, wet the walls with water. Foam rubber is suitable as an application tool, as it easily absorbs moisture and can easily release it. Go over the surface of the walls with foam rubber wetted in water. Do this several times. In order for the lime to soak, it is necessary to take a break of at least 15 minutes between wetting. If there are places where there is a thick layer of whitewash, then this place is tapped with a hammer. When water does not help, you can use a special solution that is sold in stores, or prepare it yourself. You will need:
- ammonia solution (mix water with ammonia from the pharmacy);
- water - 5 l;
- solution of soda (in a ratio of 1/3);
- shower gel - 3 caps;
- 9% vinegar - 1 tbsp.
The ingredients are mixed in a container and appliedon the walls using a sprayer. If you don't have one at hand, a roller with a foam nozzle will do. Before starting work, the solution is heated to 50°. To do this, boiled water is added to it. For this reason, it is recommended to take about 3 liters of water to prepare the solution, since it will be diluted later.Stages of removing old whitewash from the ceiling andapplying a new one. Then the solution is applied to the wall. The layers of lime swell and are easily removed with a sharp spatula, a metal brush and a rag. You need to remove lime from the walls until they are clean. You need to run a damp cloth over the wall. If there is dirt on it, then the walls need to be cleaned further. When the rag is clean - the whitewash has been removed without a trace. A solution made of copper sulfate will also help remove lime from the walls. To prepare the mixture, you need a weak solution of hydrochloric acid (no more than 2%). You need to apply it with a roller to the walls and ceiling. It is worth knowing that it is prohibited to heat such a solution, as well as to use a sprayer. There is a risk of poisoning with toxic fumes. The solution is applied for 15 minutes. After that, it must be removed with a sharp spatula. The remains of the lime are removed with a brush with hard bristles and water. When the procedure is finished, the walls are washed with a damp cloth. Then the room should be well dried for subsequent finishing works. The most accessible is a soap solution. You will need:
- water - 10 l;
- soap - 2 tbsp;
- baking soda - 5 spoons.
The soap is grated in advance.The components are thoroughly mixed. The solution is applied to the walls and ceiling. For old lime, a sticky mixture is used. It is prepared as follows: 2 spoons of flour are diluted in a glass of water, boiling water is poured in. The mixture allows you to clean the room without dust. If there is no time to prepare the mixtures, then you can remove whitewash from the walls with products from the store. Before starting cleaning, you must read the instructions. Usually, the substances contain glue, when applied, a crust of old whitewash appears on the wall. This is what needs to be removed with a scraper. Return to the table of contents</a>
A few tips
When construction work takes place indoorswith a large area, spraying the solution is carried out on small areas. After watering 4 m², the next area is processed. While the lime is swelling, it is necessary to return to the first area and remove the whitewash. A scraper and a spatula will be useful for cleaning. A special scraper has a container where the lime gets, and the dirt does not scatter around the room. After removing the whitewash, it is recommended to go over the walls with a sanding sheet, and then soak them with a primer. If defects in the walls were found during grinding, they must be filled with gypsum plaster. If there is chalk solution on the surface of the walls, it must be washed off with water, and thick layers of lime must be removed with a hammer.</ ul>