Mold in the apartment is anyone's worst nightmareperson. It can appear even in a residential apartment with modern renovation. The reasons for its appearance are different. And you cannot always influence them. Since mold is dangerous for the body, you need to act immediately! ? You can call the housing and communal services or fix the defect yourself.Diagram of the dependence of indoor air quality on its humidity.
What is mold on the wall
Mold is a fungus that consists ofspores. The ideal environment for this parasite is humidity. The absence of air catalyzes the process. Fungal cells appear on the surface and are initially unnoticeable. At the first stage, they develop quite slowly. When the affected area has grown, the rate of spread increases.Growth pattern of mold fungi.After this, the mold begins to penetrate deeper into the material on which it formed. Wood is the least resistant to this process. Concrete can delay, but not stop the penetration of the fungus. If there is another object next to the affected surface, the mold will move to it too. For example, mold from the walls can move to wooden furniture standing a short distance away. Mold pores are dangerous for humans and animals. In a small room, they literally "saturate" the air. And, accordingly, penetrate the respiratory tract. This can lead to aspergillosis or onychomycosis, and also slow down the treatment of respiratory diseases. Fungus is very dangerous for building materials, since it accelerates biocorrosion. Often mold is confused with dirt, especially if it is located among it. For identification, you can use regular bleach. Apply it to the surface. Fungal mold begins to lighten within a few minutes. Return to the table of contents</a>How to remove mold from walls
Scheme of bonded thermal insulation.If you see a fungus, do not put off its destruction. You need to remove the mold fairly quickly before it grows. You can do this yourself using improvised means. First, you need to clean the surface with a knife or a stiff brush. Even if nothing is visible externally, this does not mean that the fungus has disappeared. It could have been absorbed into the material, so it is impossible to wash off the mold from the wallpaper. The entire affected area must be removed, but do not rush to glue new ones. The pores of the mold remain in the wall, so you need to cut off the primer layer with a spatula. With wooden walls, everything is much more complicated: in most cases, they must be completely replaced. When all the mold is removed, you can proceed to disinfection. This is necessary for the final destruction of the pores. To do this, you will need a fungicidal solution. It is sold in household chemical stores, or you can make the solution yourself. To do this, mix chlorine bleach with water in a ratio of one to three. The product is applied to a rag or sprayed on the wall. Then you need to thoroughly wipe the affected area. The procedure should be repeated more than five times. The break between approaches is four to six hours. The room should be regularly ventilated. Remember that you should wash the surface only after cleaning. Otherwise, it will be more problematic. Return to the table of contents</a>How to remove mold from walls with solutions In residentialmold appears quite rarely in houses and especially in apartments. But fungus constantly haunts non-residential premises. The scale of the damage sometimes does not allow acting in standard ways. If the entire wall is rotten, then replacing the destroyed material is almost impossible. But removing mold is possible. Products that are in everyday life for most people can be useful for this. Table vinegar will perfectly kill the fungus, but it will take some time. It is necessary to spray the product on the affected area several times a day for a week. Then rinse thoroughly with water and ventilate the room. But vinegar emits a pungent odor. Therefore, the room cannot be used during the cleaning process. But there is another equally accessible remedy - hydrogen peroxide, which is on the shelves of any pharmacy. It destroys the pores of the fungus due to its antibacterial property. Peroxide must be applied to the wall with a rag. The disadvantages include the bleaching property. The paint on the walls can be destroyed irrevocably. Return to the table of contents</a>Prevention of fungus appearance Even if you removemold from the walls in time, you still won’t be able to completely avoid the consequences. Replacing wallpaper and plastering walls is a rather expensive and labor-intensive process. Therefore, it is better to take precautions in advance. The most favorable environment for fungus is moisture (dampness on the walls). To avoid high humidity, which is dangerous to health in itself, regularly ventilate the room. Open the windows for 20 minutes 3 times a day. If this is, for example, a summer house where you do not live permanently, be sure to turn on the heating in the winter. The features of some rooms do not allow you to completely get rid of moisture in traditional ways, but there are special devices. They absorb moisture and show its percentage content in the air. Humidity can appear in certain areas of the room, even if the air is quite dry. These are, first of all, closed spaces. Never place furniture close to the walls. During periods of incessant rain, the walls become damp, especially in panel houses. In such cases, it is necessary to constantly maintain a high temperature. Do wet cleaning regularly. It will help eliminate the fungus at an early stage.