Nowadays, more and more often during renovationsused for finishing walls with fabric with your own hands. Rooms with such walls are not only beautiful, but also more protected from noise. The variety of fabrics in texture and color will satisfy the most sophisticated taste. Fabric is more practical than paper wallpaper, it is easier to care for it during operation. It is stronger than paper, and if stains appear, they can be easily removed with powder and water. Fabric can mask all the unevenness on the wall.The drapery of the walls with fabric is done in three waysmethods: stretching the fabric under the rail, stretching the fabric on the rail and gluing the fabric to the wall. Modern fabrics are able to retain their color for several years, even if the sun constantly shines on them. Pasting the walls with fabric will allow you to use the same fabric for window decoration and for making other elements of decorative finishing of the room. Finishing surfaces with fabric with your own hands requires special skill and mastery, but if you want, you can learn it. It is important to properly prepare the walls for work and the fabric itself.
Preparation of walls and textiles
Preparing walls for pasting with fabric is similar to preparing them before pasting with wallpaper.Gluing fabric to a smooth wall base.First, remove all old finishing from the walls. If necessary, completely or partially renew the plaster. Particular attention is paid to sealing cracks and crevices. To do this, use a fairly thick solution. If the defects are significant, it makes sense to add a plasticizer to the solution. After the plaster has completely dried, the surface of the walls is well primed. Finally, putty must be applied to the walls. It is better to choose a good mixture with an antifungal effect right away. Putty is applied in a thin layer using a spatula. Try to level the wall as much as possible, applying slightly larger layers to the recesses. Just do not overdo it. When preparing the walls, it is important to take into account one thing. Often, as a result of tight adhesion of the reinforcement to the surface, rust appears. The stains must be treated with nitro enamel or sealed with foil. Or better yet, combine these two methods. Otherwise, the rust will show through the fabric. The process of preparing the fabric deserves special attention. First, you need to cut off a small piece of it and wet it with warm water. When the patch dries, look at it: if the fabric has shrunk significantly, it is better to completely wet the entire piece, dry it and iron it lightly.
When covering walls with fabric, the main thing is not topull - the fabric should lie naturally on the walls. Then proceed to cutting the fabric. You need to measure each wall and cut the fabric so that you get a large piece that will be stretched over the surface. At the same time, for greater convenience, experts recommend cutting the fabric into several strips of a certain width that correspond to the height of the ceiling. Then all the strips need to be sewn together with a double seam. When cutting, take into account that in any case, you need to provide allowances on all sides so that the material fits well. Try to make at least 7 cm of allowance on each side of the fabric, while at the transitions to another wall, the width of the allowance needs to be increased. Return to the table of contents</a>
Wall finishing with textiles
So, the wall and fabric are prepared.Now we can take a closer look at several ways to decorate walls with fabric. There are two main methods - pasting the walls with textiles and attaching them with small wooden slats. Return to contents</a>Fabric pastingMethods of finishing walls with fabric:a - attaching the new item to the wall, b - checking the verticality of the folds using a plumb line on a cord. First, prepare the glue. It is better to choose regular wallpaper glue, the packaging of which indicates that it can also be used for textiles. You need to add a little PVA glue to it. But the amount should be small, since PVA turns white when dry. The mixture should be left to sit for 30-60 minutes. As a rule, there is no need to apply glue to the fabric, so it makes sense not to skimp on the mixture for the wall. The glue is applied with a wide brush. However, you do not need to cover the entire wall with it at once. The wall should be processed as the fabric is glued. First, the first layer of glue is applied, part of which will be absorbed into the surface, and after 3-5 minutes - the second, thicker one. The textiles should be applied from the upper corner of the wall. Therefore, it is advisable to work together. The canvas is firmly pressed against the wall, well-lubricated with glue, gradually leveled, and then finally leveled with a rubber spatula or foam roller. Then it is gradually glued from below, after which gluing to the side continues in the same order. You can also work on the textile first at the top, and then gradually direct it downwards. Just remember to stretch the canvas. When the process of working with one wall is nearing completion, you need to temporarily fix the canvas with thin wooden planks, which are attached to nails along the perimeter. At the same time, make an additional tension. The nails do not need to be fixed completely. Temporary fixation allows the canvas to dry completely and not slip off the surface. Only after the glue has completely dried can the planks be carefully removed. Each wall is finished in this way. Excess fabric from the bottom and top can be cut off after the work is completely completed, but the side excess is best cut off immediately during the work. A characteristic sign of the adhesive setting will be absolute dryness to the touch and the absence of visible moisture spots on the material. Return to contents</a>Fastening to slats The second method of finishing the wallfabric - fastening with slats and nails. This is an easier, but less traditional method. It does not require greasing the wall with glue. But for such work the surface must be relatively flat and strong. First, along the perimeter, and then every 50-70 cm, thin slats are nailed to the wall. It will be better if they are slightly sunk into the solution so that they stick out no more than 2-3 mm. An alternative fastening can be planting on self-tapping screws or screws in the wall. The fabric is prepared in the manner described above, after which the canvas can be fastened. On the slats along the perimeter, the fabric must be folded 2 times in the places where it is nailed to the slat. The nailing itself is always done with a hammer and small nails. Only pieces of leather must be placed under the heads so that the nails enter more smoothly, and the material is not damaged. Do not forget about stretching the canvas. So, the two main methods are considered. You can decorate the walls with textiles in a different way. But all other methods are aimed at longer and more complex work, which not every owner can do with his own hands.