Repairs in a private house, apartment or country houseis a very important and responsible task. An integral attribute of any repair is the installation of a new ceiling. Today, suspended ceilings using plasterboard sheets are increasingly used.You can make any ceiling from plasterboardforms, adding lighting and other elements if desired. Drywall has found application not only in the construction of ceilings, but also in the manufacture of window slopes and partitions. Not many people know how to properly use drywall. Drywall sheets (GKL) are the most affordable material. They are a structure consisting of several layers: a layer of gypsum filler located between two layers of paper. What are the main stages of work on the arrangement of a drywall ceiling?
Features of installation of drywall
The advantage of plasterboard over othersmaterials is that with the help of special processing it can take various forms. The ceiling can be made simple and multi-level. In the latter case, certain skills will be required. The easiest way is to make a suspended ceiling with one level. At the first stage of work, it is necessary to inspect the old ceiling covering. If it has defects (cracks, recesses), they need to be repaired. For this, it is advisable to use putty. To give the surface strength and evenness, you can apply a layer of primer. For this, you need to take a deep penetration primer.Types of plasterboard and color marking.The ceiling installation diagram includes markings. Here you need to know that the minimum distance from the old ceiling to the new one is 5 cm. During the work, you need to remember that the inter-ceiling space may subsequently contain a ventilation pipe, electric cable and other communications. Taking this into account, the optimal size of the inter-ceiling space is selected. Measuring the height of the future ceiling should begin from the corners of the room. First, the lowest angle is determined, then the distance from it to the floor is measured. This will be the height of the new ceiling. Return to contents</a>How to correctly mark the ceiling surfaceBefore , it is necessary to determine the outline of the suspended structure. For this purpose, a laser level is used. It is installed in the lowest part of the ceiling. According to the resulting outline, a line is drawn along the entire perimeter of the room, which will serve as a guide when installing plasterboard sheets. To sheathe the ceiling with plasterboard, it is necessary to prepare the main elements for forming the frame. They include:
- guide profiles;
- basic ceiling profile;
- connector;
- straight U-shaped suspension.
Until recently, many citizens, butThe lining is not suitable for every room due to the fact that it is made of wood. In order to cover the ceiling with lining, it is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of material. The same applies to plasterboard.An example of marking a ceiling frame for plasterboard.To decorate the ceiling with it, you need to know that the area of the plasterboard should be equal to the area of the ceiling surface. It is better to buy sheets with a reserve, since they often need to be cut. As for the guide profile, its length coincides with the perimeter of the room. The ceiling profile is installed in rows. When fixing the first and last row, an indent of 30 cm is made from the wall. The distance between all other rows is 60 cm. There is 1 U-shaped hanger per 1 m of the ceiling profile. The number of straight connectors is determined by the number of rows of the ceiling profile. Return to the table of contents</a>Installation of metal profiles Toplasterboard, you need to fix the profiles. In order for the plasterboard or plastic lining to hold on to the ceiling, you need to make a frame. The first step is to install the guide profiles. Immediately before this, you need to outline the axes on which they will be attached. The metal guide profiles should be located along the perimeter of the room. To fix them, use screws with dowels. You can use dowels. After them, you need to fix the main ceiling profiles. They should be located in the transverse direction. In order to have the same distance between them, it is advisable to make preliminary markings. Special brackets are mounted along the outlined lines. They are located at a distance of about half a meter from each other. They are used as hangers for the main profiles. The ends of the supporting profiles should be mounted in the grooves of the guides. Return to the table of contents</a>Fastening plasterboard
Installation of plasterboard ceiling.In order for the room to look beautiful, it is necessary to cover the metal frame. Here it is necessary to follow several important rules. Firstly, it is recommended to start from the corner of the room that is more even. Secondly, the installation of sheets is most often organized in a checkerboard pattern. Thirdly, to fix the drywall, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws with flat heads. To avoid sagging, it is advisable to screw the screws evenly over the entire plane of the sheet. Fourthly, the heads of the screws should be recessed by several millimeters. Otherwise, this may complicate the puttying process. When creating a suspended structure, it is often necessary to trim the sheets. For this, a stationery knife is used. Sometimes it is necessary to cut out certain shapes from the drywall. To do this, you need to make a cut of the desired configuration and carefully break off the drywall. Fifthly, after installing the sheets, it is imperative to apply a layer of primer and cover all the existing joints with putty. The work does not end there. The next step is application of finishing putty. It is distributed over the entire area of the plasterboard sheets. Then the putty layer is sanded and primed. The last stage of repair is the final finishing. For this, you can use wallpaper or other decorative materials. The suspended ceiling is ready. Return to contents</a>
Tools and materials
To carry out high-quality repairs in the house andTo make a suspended ceiling with your own hands, you need to have a set of tools and materials. It includes a metal profile, staples, a drill, a screwdriver, screws, self-tapping screws or dowels, metal scissors, a thread, a laser or water level, cross fasteners. In addition, you will need a 1.5-meter rule, a tape measure for taking measurements, a pencil, a ruler, a stationery knife, a drill, a hammer. To eliminate defects in the old coating, you need to have putty. To process drywall, you will need a primer. Thus, drywall is an excellent material for constructing a suspended ceiling. It is convenient, has a small weight and a low price. Much attention must be paid to marking the surface and the technique of installing the frame. The evenness of the structure and its aesthetics largely depend on this. If you comply with all the above requirements, the ceiling will delight the owners and guests of the house for many years.</ ul>