Anyone who has ever done renovations knows thatBefore finishing work, difficult rough work should be done. Sometimes it takes much more time and effort. For example, removing old wallpaper from the walls or tearing off tightly glued, worn-out linoleum from the floor. But one of the most difficult to remove substances is whitewash. To answer the question of how to wash whitewash off the walls, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations.Whitewash is easily removed from the wall using water and a spatula. Before you start working on removing whitewash from the wall, you need to prepare the tools. They will be needed in the work.
Tools for removing old whitewash and applying new. Tools for removing whitewash:
- a few sponges;
- protection for the eyes (suitable glasses used in repair work);
- Respiratory mask (it is better to buy a few and change them as pollution occurs);
- putty knife;
- spray;
- ladder;
- roller;
- basin;
- rigid metal brush;
- a scarf or a small headscarf, a cap.
In what cases is it necessary to wash whitewash off the walls? If you find that the walls of your home covered with whitewash:
The process of cleaning the walls from whitewashing: stages
Stages of removing old whitewash from the ceiling andapplying a new one. Stage 1. Preparing the room. First, you need to take the furniture out of the room. You can lay out sheets of cardboard on the floor or cover it with plastic oilcloth. Advice! If your house has expensive parquet or other valuable flooring, it should be covered with special care. Simple newspapers will not work, since when in contact with moisture, they swell, tear and let dirt through. Windows and doors should be insulated as much as possible, otherwise splashes may remain on them that are difficult to wash off later. Stage 2. Clothes. You should also take care of yourself. It is better to hide your hair under a scarf or a cap. Eyes should be protected with special glasses. And you need to put on gloves. Stage 3. Preparing the walls. Fill a basin with warm water. Attach a plastic lid to the roller. This will help you avoid water dripping into your sleeves. Lower the roller into the basin of water, hold it for a while so that it is properly saturated. Then, with uniform, wide movements, go over all the walls of the room. This should be done several times. If the wall is too wide, it should be treated in sections.
Removing whitewash from plastered walls.Advice! Roll the walls once - take a short break. Then repeat. Step 4. Removal process. After you have rolled all the walls, waited for the whitewash to soak in water, and then you can start removing it from the surface. If the whitewash is well-soaked - it will not be difficult to remove. Advice! To remove whitewash better, you can add a little vinegar concentrate (acid) to the water. Use a coarse metal brush to remove the whitewash from the walls in a circular motion. Step 5. After the main layer of whitewash has been removed from the walls, you need to get rid of the remains. To do this, fill a basin with clean water. Dip the sponge into the basin, squeeze it out, but not completely, and start washing off the remains. Repeat this procedure several times until the result is visible. You can use an old proven method. Take 1 kg of salt per 10 liters of hot water. Dissolve. Cool to 40 degrees. And the walls are treated with the resulting solution. Return to contents</a>
Practical advice and recommendations
Removing old whitewash from walls: a – moistening with a roller; b – removing the whitewash layer with a spatula.
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Differences between washing thin and thick layer of whitewash
Scheme for cleaning a wall from old finishing:a) cleaning, b) smoothing, c) moving the tool. And how to wash whitewash off the floor? If you have not prepared the floors very carefully, and traces of whitewash have appeared on them, then you need to return them to their original appearance. That is, thoroughly clean them. To do this, you will need to prepare:
- a basin with warm water (not just one);
- vinegar (but subject to regular airing the room to avoid poisoning);
- rags.
Dissolve a couple of tablespoons in a basin of water.vinegar and start cleaning. You should wash the floor several times. Then you should wait and evaluate the result. If the whitewash is not washed off completely, then traces will appear on the dried floor. Then you will have to repeat the cleaning. And so on until the desired result is achieved. Advice! It is better to change the rag after you wash the floor the first time. A large amount of chalk or lime will settle on it. Of course, whitewashing on walls or ceilings is becoming less common these days. But in some houses or apartments it is a very common phenomenon. Many people face the problem of how to wash whitewash off the walls. After all, this is sometimes a very complex and labor-intensive process. If you follow all the recommendations and do not be lazy, the result will exceed all expectations.</ ul>