Today, there are many new products on the construction marketmodern finishing materials for ceilings: stretch, suspended, slatted, ceiling tiles, etc. But along with them, plaster was, is and will be a relevant finishing material for both walls and ceilings. Plaster is a relatively inexpensive material, and its use does not require the use of expensive tools.Plastering the ceiling. Today we will talk about how to plaster the ceiling with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professionals. To do this, you will need a minimum set of tools:
- spatulas wide and narrow;
- bucket;
- roller or brush;
- drill with a nozzle mixer;
- trowel;
- sandpaper or mesh for grouting.
Surface preparation
Scheme of ceiling leveling using plaster.To , first of all, it is necessary to prepare the work surface. Remove old plaster with a hard spatula or trowel if possible. If the ceiling was previously whitewashed or painted, then these unnecessary layers should be removed as well. There is a wide variety of washes on the modern market that will help get rid of any old coating in half an hour. Corners, joints of slabs, places where electrical wiring passes, where pipes and other communications are connected are the most vulnerable places. They should be tapped with a hammer or a spatula handle. By the dull sound, it is easy to determine places where thick layers of old plaster are not securely attached. They should also be removed. Due to high humidity or insufficient ventilation, the presence of fungus and mold is often detected. You can rid the ceiling of these organisms with your own hands. If the affected area is small, then copper sulfate will do an excellent job. If, for example, it is a basement and the scale of the fungus is impressive, then it is burned out with a gas burner, having previously applied special aerosol-based products. It is also possible to do without fire, using orthophosphoric acid or another. Return to contents</a>
Leveling and plastering of the ceiling
Scheme of the direction of plastering the ceiling.A stage that should never be neglected is priming the ceiling with your own hands. The primer is the link between the ceiling and the further applied material. A deep penetration primer such as P-Primer is excellent. It has good adhesion, the material holds on to it perfectly. Penetrating deeply into the surface, it prevents the possible formation of mold and mildew. This applies to any type of ceiling, be it concrete, wood or plasterboard. Leveling the surface is an important component of repair. If the ceiling is wooden, then you cannot do without a special mesh. It will add strength and serve as additional reinforcement. The joints of the plasterboard ceiling are glued with reinforced paper, serpyanka. The places where the concrete ceiling slabs converge (rustication) are pre-sealed with gypsum mixtures with the addition of liquid glass. This provides the necessary waterproofing. In the case of a very crooked ceiling, the method of leveling using beacons is used. The lowest point of the ceiling is determined with a laser level, then aluminum guides are installed in the places of "failure". When doing, a stretched cord can be used to determine the lowest point. In recessed places, "cones" of mortar are placed at intervals of 300 to 1000 mm. Using them as a guide, it is easy to roughly level the ceiling with a medium-sized rule. Plastering the ceiling begins from corners, bends of walls or other non-flat areas (pipes and other communications). Use two spatulas: wide and narrow.
Types of plaster by composition.Narrow ones need to apply an even line of putty on a wide spatula, and they also cut off uneven remains from the wide one. The solution is applied to the surface with a wide spatula and stretched, the excess is cut off with the same spatula. After the first layer dries, the second is applied, but perpendicular to the first. Then everything is rubbed with coarse sandpaper or mesh. Then a finishing layer of plaster with a finer grain fraction is applied. Then it is rubbed with fine sandpaper. The choice of a high-quality mixture should be in favor of gypsum plaster. The ideal option is Rotband gypsum plaster. You can also choose a cheaper cement-based mixture, but its use requires more professional skills. It lays down worse, dries longer and is less resistant to various types of vibrations. To prepare the working solution, you need a clean bucket. First, pour in water, then, using a drill with a mixer attachment, gradually add the dry mixture until you get the consistency of thick sour cream. Wait 5-10 minutes and mix again. The solution is ready. You can and should plaster the ceiling yourself. This very inexpensive method is much better than spending money on professional services. In the future, a high-quality plastered ceiling can be covered in any way chosen from a wide range of materials available on the market.