
Pasting of walls from plasterboard with wallpapers in living rooms

Drywall is inexpensive and environmentally friendlya pure building material that almost perfectly levels the surfaces of walls, ceilings, floors and partitions. Most often in construction, interior wall finishing is carried out with plasterboard. The surface of the sheets is covered with pressed cardboard. Therefore, it is not recommended to paste over plasterboard walls with wallpaper. The next time you do cosmetic repairs to the premises, you will need to remove the old ones, and this will not be easy, since they will come off together with the top layer of plasterboard.Schematic of gypsum wallPlasterboard wall diagram.

Preparation of walls from plasterboard for wallpapering


  • putty knife;
  • scissors;
  • bucket;
  • brush and roller;
  • cord;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • rule;
  • hammer and screwdriver;
  • gloves;
  • rags.

Before gluing wallpaper, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the plasterboard.Wallpaper pasting tools.When finishing walls with plasterboard, joints are formed between the sheets. Before pasting, they need to be puttied, or better yet, less troublesome, to seal them with serpyanka - a self-adhesive tape made of synthetic material or fiberglass. The serpyanka glued to the seams is puttied, which will help hide the joints of the sheets. This material can be used to mask small cracks and holes in the plasterboard. First, you need to putty only the places where the sticker is located, and then apply it to the entire wall, distributing it evenly over the surface. Sand the dried layer and prime it. Any acrylic or gypsum plasterboard primer is suitable for this. Only after preparing the surfaces of all walls can you begin pasting the plasterboard with wallpaper. Return to contents</a>

Select wallpaper for gluing

Types of paper wallpaper by manufacturing method. Primed:

  • printed molding - the design and paint are applied to the paper simultaneously;
  • varnished - the paint is covered with a layer of varnish;
  • the top layer is covered with a film;
  • metallized - when creating a design, metal powder is added to the paint;
  • silk - imitates silk with a relief print on the base.


  • embossed;
  • printed.

Performance qualities of wallpaper:Table of wallpaper varieties.

  • conventional;
  • waterproof;
  • fleecy or velor.

According to the drawing:

  • with a smooth or relief pattern;
  • background.

The length of the roll is usually 7-18 m, the width is500-750 mm. Borders are produced in widths of 15-100 mm and lengths of up to 25 m. Water-resistant, washable wallpaper is used for pasting common areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. The synthetic film coating on the surface allows them to be washed. It is not recommended to paste over the walls of living rooms with such wallpaper, since the synthetic coating contains polyvinyl chloride resins, which under certain conditions can be released, adversely affecting the human body. In living areas where the whole family gathers, it is best to paste over smart and light wallpaper. It is not at all necessary to buy wallpaper with a different color and pattern for each room. Adjacent rooms can be pasted over with wallpaper of the same color and pattern. With the doors open, they will look like one large room. Adjacent adjacent rooms can be pasted over with wallpaper with a similar pattern, but different color schemes. For example, one room - green, and the other - turquoise. This visual effect shortens the elongated proportions of the room.Scheme for gluing wallpaper onto drywall.Dark tones are better suited for the walls in the hallway. When moving from such a hallway to a lighter room, the effect of an enlarged space is created. In a room where there is not enough light, it is better to paste warm and light-colored wallpaper. If the room is sufficiently illuminated, choose wallpaper in blue, gray or green shades. If a small room of 10-15 m² is pasted with wallpaper with a large pattern, then visually it will seem smaller. A room with a low ceiling will visually seem higher if its walls are pasted with wallpaper with a vertical pattern, and a horizontal pattern, on the contrary, visually reduces the height of the room. Also, a vertical pattern visually reduces the length of the room. Wallpaper with a large and bright carpet pattern pasted in a room very quickly becomes tiring. Return to contents</a>

Pasting walls with wallpaper

You can start pasting wallpaper over the plasterboardonly if the walls are even, dry and clean. They usually peel off from damp walls. All fastenings of plasterboard to the lathing should be covered with nitro enamel. The edge on paper wallpaper must be cut off before pasting. It is cut along the line marked on it, with scissors, winding it back into a roll. For sheets intended for pasting the wall to the right of the window, the edge is cut on the right side. For the left wall - on the left. For convenience, the roll must be rewound. After that, they are cut into pieces of the required length. To do this, measure the height of the room and add 5-10 cm. Cut them exactly at a right angle. If necessary, it is necessary to align the pattern. The upper edge of the wallpaper should pass along a line beaten off parallel to the ceiling. The line on the wall is beaten off with a chalk cord. To do this, rub it with chalk, pull it tightly and, having pulled slightly, release it. A chalk strip will remain on the surface. Wallpaper the entire wall from the ceiling to the baseboard. If the angle between the ceiling and the wall is uneven, lower the top edge of the sheet a few centimeters below the ceiling. Wallpaper the walls as follows: measure the width of the wallpaper from one corner of the room and mark a vertical line at this distance with a chalk cord. Lay the cut sheets on the floor in a stack, with the back side up. Apply glue with a brush or roller in an even layer, paying special attention to the edges of the wallpaper. The sheet should be well soaked. After this, take the top one, fold it in half, with the glue inward. Then carefully bend the top edge of the sheet outward and apply it to the wall, along the line beaten with the cord. Having aligned the edge with the line on the wall, glue the sheet and smooth it with a roller or hand, first from top to bottom, then from the middle to the edges. The lower part is pressed tightly against the baseboard and cut off. The second piece of wallpaper is glued overlapping onto the uncut edge of the first piece, the third piece onto the edge of the second piece, etc. The piece at the corner of the wall should cover the remaining unpasted part of the wall and overlap the corner by 5 cm or more. To avoid folds on the piece when pasting the corner, cut the piece in several places. After applying the dry piece to the wall, mark the locations of the sockets and switches. Make oblique cuts from their center. After pasting the wallpaper, these places are covered. The wallpaper should dry slowly, so drafts should be excluded. Return to contents</a>

Choosing a quality adhesive for pasting drywall wallpaper

For light paper wallpapers it is best suitedCMC glue. After adding glue to water and thoroughly mixing the composition, leave it until it is completely dissolved. Acrylic or vinyl wallpapers are heavier, so when pasting plasterboard walls, it is better to use the glue recommended by the manufacturer.

