The walls are leveled with plasterin almost every construction or repair work. Quite often, plaster is used as a finishing decorative layer, but in most cases it serves as a base for wallpaper or ceramic tiles. But in all cases, its main task is to level the walls. Without the appropriate experience, it is quite difficult to do such work.Rotband plaster is a gypsum-based mixture.It is made of environmentally friendly materials. Rotband is a universal plaster mix on a gypsum base. This plaster will not have a negative impact on residents and guests of a private house or apartment, as it complies with all existing GOSTs. Rotband contains additives that can increase adhesion. It is recommended to use it in rooms with normal and high humidity. Due to the properties of Rotband, it can be used to level almost any base of walls or ceilings: brick, concrete, cement plaster, foam plastic, cement particle board, etc. It is especially recommended to use this type of plaster for a smooth base of the ceiling and walls made of concrete. Rotband plaster has a large number of advantages. The main ones are the following:
Tools for plastering walls.
Rotband is popular among builders who carry out repair and finishing work on buildings. The following are significant disadvantages of the mixture:
How much does the wall alignment with Rothband?
Wall plastering scheme.Before carrying out repair work, it will be necessary to calculate the cost of leveling the walls with Rotband. The average cost of a 30 kg package in Russia is 380 rubles. This package is enough to plaster 3.5 m² of the base. As an example, a room with an area of 16 m² will be considered. The ceiling height is 2.5 m, the length is 6 m, the width is 2.7 m. The area of all walls in the room will be 43.5 m². Therefore, to plaster the room with a layer of 1 cm, taking into account the average consumption of packaging for 3.5 m², 12 packages of this building mixture will be needed. It is worth noting that the manufacturer packs the material not only in large packages, and therefore it will be possible to buy an additional 5 or 10 kg if such a need arises. The costs for a room of 16 m² will be approximately 4560 rubles. In this case, the price includes only the plaster, excluding tools, primer and additional materials. It is worth noting that recently, fakes of this plaster mix have often been found on sale. The manufacturer has made a lot of effort to identify and eliminate them. Each original package has a holographic sticker. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the production date, which indicates not only the day/month/year, but also the hours/minutes/seconds of manufacture. New packages appear approximately every 5 seconds.
Scheme of plastering a wall using beacons.Therefore, if you come across several packages with the same date on sale, it means that the mixture is counterfeit. To plaster walls with Rotband, you will need to prepare the following elements:
- brush for primer application;
- building level or plumb bob;
- metal profiles;
- rule;
- spatula of great width;
- mixer;
- rake from metal;
- a hard sponge or a grater made of metal.
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Stucco walls by own hands: preparatory works
First of all, the wall needs to be cleared of large debris.particles of old plaster mix, paint, dust and dirt. If you plan to plaster a concrete base, you will need to remove the formwork lubricant from it. There should be no large irregularities on the base. All metal elements must first be treated with an anti-corrosion coating. In order for the plaster to lay well, dry evenly and not be subject to deformation, the base will need to be primed. The primer composition is selected based on the type of surface. For bases that poorly absorb moisture, you can use Betonokontakt. For bases that strongly absorb moisture, Rotband Grund primer is suitable. After applying this composition, you will need to wait until it dries completely. Return to the table of contents</a>Correct installation of beaconsScheme of preparing a wall for plastering.During the preparatory work, it is very important to correctly install the beacons, along which the plaster mixture will be applied later. Today, you can find two types of beacon profiles on the market - 6 and 10 mm. Beginner builders are advised to choose the latter, as they are more rigid. During the purchase, you must make sure that there are no deformations; these devices must be transported carefully. The beacons will need to be prepared in advance. They should be cut to the desired height. To install these devices on the base vertically, you will need to apply Rotband every 30 cm. Next, you will need to press the beacons into the solution, and then align them in a single plane strictly vertically, using a building level or plumb line. It is recommended to use a device of the maximum possible length. The excess solution that remains when pressing the beacon will need to be evenly distributed along the entire length of the device, filling the gaps that appear between the beacon and the wall. The distance at which the beacons are mounted will depend on the length of the tool used. If a 2m rule is used, the beacons should be placed 150-170cm apart. Return to Contents</a>
How to level the walls with Rothband?
Plastering work on the base can beare made in rooms with a temperature from +5 to +30°C, the relative humidity should be a maximum of 60%. One package weighing 30 kg should be diluted with 18 liters of cold water. It is necessary to use cold water, otherwise the mixture will set too quickly. If all the actions on plastering the base are planned to be performed alone, it is recommended to prepare a smaller amount of the mixture, since the solution can be applied within 20-30 minutes after its preparation. In this case, a bucket with a volume of 12-15 liters may be enough. It will need to be filled with water by 1/3, and then slowly add the dry mixture. To mix the solution, it is necessary to use a construction mixer or an electric drill with an appropriate attachment. The composition should be the consistency of sour cream. To improve the elasticity of the plaster, it will be necessary to leave it for 10 minutes, and then mix thoroughly again. When applying Rotband, it is not allowed to add water, mortar or any other components. Return to the table of contents</a>Correct application of Rotband to the wallExperts throw the solution with light and easy movements from the bottom up. Beginners are advised to throw the mixture with a wide spatula. In one approach, you will need to apply the plaster mixture in the width of the beacon to the other and in height by about 1 m. Then the layer will need to be leveled with a rule. To do this, you should press the tool tightly to the beacons, after which you will need to pull the solution upward with zigzag movements. Excess building mixture that has formed on the rule will need to be removed either to the wall or into a container for further use. Plaster mixture of this type is too plastic, so it can settle under its own weight. You need to go over the rule several more times from the very bottom while applying the solution to the wall. In some cases, a thicker layer of plaster may be needed. If a 10 mm layer is not enough, you will need to go over it with a plaster comb before the initial layer has time to set, which will be able to create a relief. Then you need to wait until the layer is completely dry. After this, the base is primed again. Finally, the final layer of Rotband is applied. If the walls are to be plastered from cement or polystyrene foam, you should know that in this case the second layer can only be applied to the reinforcing mesh. The mesh can be laid in several ways: on a thin layer of plaster mixture or on an adhesive PVA mixture. In all cases, the mesh will need to be pressed down and smoothed with a spatula until all bulges or bubbles are eliminated. Next, it needs to be sanded a little, excess dust removed, primed, dried and the final layer of plaster applied. The ceiling structure can be plastered with one layer, the thickness of which can be a maximum of 15 mm. Return to contents</a>Leveling the base, grouting and smoothingAfter about 30 minutes, the plaster mixture will begin to set, at this stage it will need to be leveled. You will need to cut off the excess with a metal strip, and then fill the depressions. In the corners, they can be removed using a special plane. The resulting base can be used for laying tiles. The minimum layer of plaster in this case is 10 mm. Bases that are intended for wallpapering or painting, 20 minutes after leveling will need to be rubbed with a hard sponge. To do this, it must be moistened with water, then rubbed in a circular motion. This will eliminate unevenness and marks from the spatula. Wallpaper can be glued to a wall that has been prepared in this way. However, if the wallpaper is white, Rotband may be translucent, since the mixture has a dark shade. In this case, it is recommended to additionally apply a layer of finishing putty mixture. Leveling walls with Rotband is a simple process, you only need to follow the correct sequence of actions and have all the necessary tools and materials available.