Ideal interior It's time to pay tributewonderful qualities of the interior of a small kitchen, although many consider compact dimensions a disadvantage, but this is not true at all. It is enough to organize life correctly and use simple tricks, and even a tiny space will become a comfortable and cozy place for the whole family. Not so long ago, this area acquired a completely different meaning, reorienting itself into a family center. Therefore, the need to increase its efficiency has increased. To compensate for the small area, you can use simple tips. In this article, we will introduce you to examples of real kitchens, where the lack of square meters pays off due to many factors: proper organization, rational use of space, the right color scheme, built-in appliances, storage systems and visual illusions.
Ideal interior Layout of a narrow kitchen you canfound in Victorian homes and many modern projects. This layout allows you to focus on the traditional work triangle, which is designated by the refrigerator, sink and stove. An important detail is that the distance between them should be reduced to a minimum. This option will allow you to move less, and therefore, feel more confident, since you will have almost everything at hand. It is important to pay attention to the color scheme, the lighter the tones, the more spacious the room seems. But do not overdo it, add a few contrasting fragments, for example, a black or other dark color of the countertop.
Modern and stylish Having in itsIf you have less square meters at your disposal, you can save a lot on furniture. At the same time, you can spend more money on purchasing innovative household appliances, more expensive finishing materials for flooring, an apron, a chic countertop and accessories. Thus, you can arrange the interior in more noble shades and textures. If you have an open layout of the premises, then you simply need to highlight this area, and a bar counter is ideal for achieving this goal. The image above shows you a stunning design that, with its visual appeal, pushes compactness into the background.
Impeccable landscaping Another good oneoption for such a housing scheme. The work area can be concentrated along the long wall. Such rational use of space will allow to free up enough space, for example, for a dining area. In this case, we see that this area opens onto the terrace. Not bad, right?
A laconic image Many of your problems cansolve a simple pantry that will become a repository for many attributes of a modern kitchen. In the main room, you can leave only those fragments that should always be at hand. A small interior does not mean that you will not be able to consider all the current trends in design. For this option, the homeowners got rid of the upper elements of the storage systems. This solution refreshed the space, brought more light and a feeling of spaciousness.
Unconventional solutions that influence the overall imageA similar example, here the architectural feature played its role. But the owners can be envied, from the large window of their kitchen there is an excellent view of the picturesque landscape. The main working area is located near the wall with a spacious Venetian window and there are more reasons to use furniture only in the lower part of the room, freeing up more space for light to penetrate inside.
Current additions Many old buildingshave another unpleasant drawback in addition to narrow rooms - the same inconvenient passages. But in this version, you can also play up the imperfection of the layout. The latest compact household appliances have a high-quality and thoughtful design, ideal for solving such problems. Interesting and unusual in this environment is the Smeg refrigerator, which slightly does not fit into the designed environment, but, nevertheless, a niche specially designed for it allows it to look more harmonious. We see here another interesting option - a glossy ceiling with a cluster of lamps. Usually, many of us rely on a floor covering polished almost to a mirror shine, but the opposite part with a playful gloss is more advantageous in such conditions and allows for a more even distribution of light, expanding the visual boundaries.
Ideal Color Scheme Option When yougot the maximum effect and feel quite comfortable, then you should not stop, consider options that will further enhance the feeling of freedom. Visual expansion of space can be achieved with the help of a palette. The ideal option for this purpose would be pure snow-white. Its properties consist in the fact that it reflects light. You can choose white furniture fronts, paint the walls and ceiling with it. This solution will help your kitchen to be magnificent, shine with freshness and unrivaled timeless style. This is interesting: when it is worth using white tones in kitchen design
A practical solution If you are not indifferent tominimalist Scandinavian direction, then it is recommended to paint the floor in addition to furniture and decoration. A unique interior is more relevant than ever for such a case.
Interesting additions In this example it is worthThere are two points to note. The first is the narrow tabletops. The compactness of the surfaces allows you to properly organize the work areas, assigning specific tasks to each fragment. The second detail that attracts attention is the antique rug. The playful pattern of the colorful carpet distracts attention from the limited dimensions of the narrow room. In addition, it slightly dilutes the monochromatic design, making adjustments to the design.
Storage Systems If you need to concentrateall the work in one area, you can use a modern kitchen set with high cabinets reaching the ceiling. This will add a lot of space to place all the attributes, and you will not need to overcome the distance to the pantry, everything will be at hand. It is also worth paying attention to the color scheme, soft shades of facades with snow-white fragments are impeccable in the design of the interior of a small kitchen.
Ergonomic Containers When you planorganization of your kitchen, you can take advantage of all the latest trends that are observed in large versions. You are given the opportunity to design a custom showroom, where you use a cascade of countertops, white lacquer in combination with walnut wood, elongated cabinet handles and the latest technology, gadgets. A small room allocated for the kitchen can be turned into a divine space if you set priorities correctly. Compact sizes also have their advantages, which are worth using for your own benefit. You will be able to spend a modest budget on its improvement, you will be able to move around comfortably, since the area is modest, organize your work more rationally, and the time for cleaning is reduced several times. So let's consider the advantages of a small interior and learn to enjoy it!
Real examples of amazing small-sized kitchens