It has been used for ceiling repairs for a long timeplasterboard. Usually, plasterboard sheets are used for these purposes. They can not only level the walls and floor in all rooms of the apartment, but also make a new or repair an old ceiling with your own hands using plasterboard. The material allows you to make not only a single-level structure, but also get a multi-level plasterboard ceiling. Below are recommendations on how to make such a repair.Marking the ceiling for plasterboard.
Start work on creating a ceiling
At the first stage, you need to purchase all the necessarymaterials and tools. To do this, you need to buy plasterboard, profiles for it, dowels, screws in special stores or construction markets. You will need to buy the following tools - a screwdriver, a hammer drill.Calculation of a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard.After that, to make or repair a plasterboard ceiling, you need to think about its appearance and internal structure. If you are going to replace an old plasterboard ceiling with a new one, you can leave its frame and change only the sheets of material. But usually, when repairing, its structure and appearance are changed. Then you need to think about the installation system and the type of lamps. When installing a multi-tiered plasterboard structure with your own hands, it is done sequentially, by levels. Otherwise, you can get confused and ruin everything. Return to the table of contents</a>
Repair the ceiling or create a new one
Scheme of suspended structure for plasterboard.First, remove all the old plasterboard sheets and all the fasteners. Now, step back some distance from the lower edge of the main ceiling. Draw a horizontal line along all the walls of the room at this level. If the task is to level the ceiling, you can step back 20 cm, but if you need to insert lamps into the plasterboard, you will have to increase the distance. A guide profile is fixed with dowels on the drawn line, and the ceiling is marked for installing the hangers. The plasterboard must be securely fastened, so the profiles must be spaced at 40-50 cm intervals. Since the material is heavy, you will have to call in helpers. Having secured all the hangers, proceed to installing the frame. The ceiling profile (60 x 27) must either be aligned to size or lengthened and inserted into the guides. The horizontal installation is checked with a building level, after which all the profiles are finally fixed.Scheme of suspended ceiling with illumination.If the room has a large area, then for reliable fastening of the plasterboard it is necessary to lay cross profiles. At this point the installation of the first level frame is completed. Its horizontality is checked with a level, electrical wiring is done and they begin to fasten the sheets of material. If heat and sound insulation of the ceiling is planned, then before fixing the plasterboard, it is necessary to lay mineral wool in the resulting cells. You can cut the sheets to the required sizes with a knife, hacksaw or electric tool. A single-level plasterboard ceiling is installed. If one tier was planned, then you can start puttying and painting its surface. Return to the table of contents</a>
Multi-level construction by own hands
made of plasterboard.Draw patterns for the next level on the repaired ceiling and continue working. Draw a line on the wall onto which the second tier will be lowered. Fix the profiles in the right places. Install the fastening element on the ceiling along the drawn contours of the future pattern. If you need to give the profile a round or curved shape, then you need to cut it with metal scissors on both sides every 4-6 cm. Bend it in the right direction and fix it with screws to the ceiling so that they hit the profile of the previous tier. In order to accurately form the desired contour, you need to take measurements as often as possible. Measure the lower edge of the second tier directly along the wall. Take the guide profile, cut it and give it the shape of the letter "G". Insert one end into the fastener on the wall, and the other edge to the ceiling. Several such elements may be needed (it all depends on the pattern). Fix the new tier with screws and cover it with sheets of material. Now you need to close the ends of the resulting structure. Cut off a strip of the required width and, if the curvature of the bend is small, screw it directly with screws. If the curvature of the pattern is large, then the material must be soaked from the outside and after that it can be given any shape. After strengthening the ends, the second tier is finished. The subsequent tiers can be made in the same way. Return to the table of contents</a>
Ceiling surface treatment
Scheme of plastering a plasterboard ceiling.Apply a putty mixture to the surface of the structure and let it dry. Then carefully inspect the entire surface of the ceiling, and if any defects are found, they are eliminated. Cover the screw heads with special pads of the desired color. Before carrying out these works, use a special device to make holes in the places where the lamps come out. The joints of the sheets of material are puttied using a serpyanka tape. The final stage of the work is painting the ceiling. It is carried out using any suitable paint. If you have a spray gun and a vacuum cleaner, the work is much easier. If you do not have them, you will have to use a roller or brush. After the first layer of paint has dried, you need to inspect the entire surface of the ceiling and sand down the protruding particles. Then apply a second layer of paint. After it dries, the ceiling is ready for use. Return to the table of contents</a>
Some tips for independent work
Single-level plasterboard ceiling.
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Materials and tools used for repair
Tools needed for work.
Ceiling repair requires precise executiontechnological chain of its creation. If a person is doing this for the first time, then one should not strive to make a multi-level ceiling right away. It is better to first repair a single-level structure and learn all the intricacies of repair on it.