Open All-Russian Competition for Perestroikatwo cinemas – Varshava and Voskhod – came to an end. On January 26, the winners were announced. The competition was organized on the initiative of ADG group by the strategic development agency Center with the support of the Moscow Committee for Architecture and the Agency for Communication Rules. The task was as follows: to develop a project for the redevelopment of cinemas so that the new program model would be maximally combined with the architectural and planning solution. On November 6, the competition was launched, and out of 70 teams, 5 made it to the final, two of which became the winners.Swesmi, Warsaw
Swesmi, Warsaw
Swesmi, Warsaw
Swesmi, Warsaw If in the nomination with the cinema"Voskhod" was simple, and the prize went to the Russian-Dutch bureau Svesmi, but for "Varshavya" two concepts were chosen at once. Svesmi got the right to refine the architectural component, and the consortium "Spectrum-EMBT-A2OM" is now responsible for the software content. The presentation of the projects took place in the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, and the winners were announced by the Chief Architect of Moscow Sergey Kuznetsov.
Svesmi, Sunrise
Svesmi, Sunrise
Svesmi, Sunrise
Svesmi, Sunrise
Svesmi, Voskhod Project Swesmi for Voskhodinvolves creating a public space inside the cinema, where people with low incomes will feel comfortable. At the same time, the low cost of renting individual premises should attract commercial organizations. The sculptural "curtain" on the facade will remind us of old cinemas, where films were shown behind such curtains. And "Varshavya" will become a place where restaurants, bars, a small market, a culinary school and a Science Fiction Center will be located. At the same time, another team will be working on the architectural appearance, within the framework of which it is planned to restore the glass facade. Each winner received 650,000 rubles for the implementation of the project.
Spectrum-EMBT-A2OM, Warsaw
Spectrum-EMBT-A2OM, Warsaw
Spectrum-EMBT-A2OM, Warsaw
Spectrum-EMBT-A2OM, Warsaw
The winners of the competition for the reconstruction of the Varshav and Voskhod cinemas have been announced –