
Winter 2017: an up-and-coming ice rink was opened at VDNKh

The updated Moscow skating rink was increased byseveral thousand meters by the efforts of the architectural studio Ai-architects. After the discovery, he was recognized as the largest in the world! Reconstruction of the All-Russia Exhibition Center came to an end, so it's time for victories. The World Records Academy recognized the newest skating rink at the VDNKh as the largest in the world. Its area was more than 20 thousand square meters, and together with the entire infrastructure - about 100 000. The decoration of the space, ...

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Moscow lanterns return the former look - etk-fashion.com

In the 30's and 50's metropolitan lanterns, fences and facadeson the central streets were completely unique and constituted a single ensemble. In the 30s and 50s, the city lights, fences and facades in the central streets were completely unique and constituted a single ensemble. Now, from the idea of ​​the architects of those years, there was almost nothing left, and the Moscow authorities decided to launch the "restoration of lost" project. We started with the lamps ...

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Beyonce becomes hotel - etk-fashion.com

Design company Elenberg Fraserperpetuated the forms of singer Beyonce ... Design company Elenberg Fraser perpetuated the forms of singer Beyonce in glass and concrete. The project of building a new hotel, according to the authors, is inspired by the image of a singer from a clip called Ghost.


Space without barriers: when cities become comfortable for all

It is convenient for you to travel around the city with a childa stroller? And imagine that you do not see, or you can not walk. It was this important topic that was dedicated to the round table where we were not only informational partners, but also speakers. What do you imagine when you hear the phrase "barrier-free space"? A street with smooth sidewalks, barrages on dangerous sections of the road or comfortable curbs? In fact…

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How to make the store look like a residential interior: Crate & Barrel in Russia

Co-author of the Russian project recentlyopened an interior boutique Crate & Barrel was the architectural bureau UNK project. In this article - about how the architects created the interior for the cult American store In Moscow "Afimoll" opened the first in Russia network store furniture, utensils and interior Crate & Barrel. For the implementation of the interior project, an architectural bureau was invited with the western principles of the UNK project. ...

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Gallery of paintings in the design of the hall of the residential building "Golden Mile"

Inter-apartment halls of an ordinary residential buildingturned into an art space where more than 700 paintings by famous artists are presented. On March 10, in the quarter of Wellton Park, the "Golden Mile" House-Museum was presented, which was realized right in the residential building by the efforts of the construction concern "Krost" and the State Tretyakov Gallery with the support of the Federal chamber of culture. The project, which in its essence is an exhibition of more than 700 paintings, was the first such ...

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Ecological area - is it so? How to check the data and what determines the purity of air

One of the most popular words today is ecology,environmental friendliness. This is not a tribute to fashion: the quality of the environment affects the value of your property. Today we give advice on how to learn about the environmental situation in Moscow and the region Air quality in big cities - along with the transport issue, which is interconnected - is one of the main problems on which the health of the inhabitants of megacities and industrial ...

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"Almond": the world's first open restaurant on ice

If you are intrigued by the prospect of having dinner straightin the middle of a frozen river, then the restaurant from the company OS31 will suit you. Only it is necessary to hurry, after all it will work only three weeks in a year It is possible to dream only of that, to spend unforgettable evening in restaurant on lake. And when it says "on the lake," it means not the shore of the reservoir, namely the water surface, though ...

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Became known winners of the competition for the reconstruction of cinemas "Warsaw" and "Sunrise" - etk-fashion.com

Open All-Russia competition for restructuringtwo cinemas - "Warsaw" and "Voskhod" - came to an end. On January 26, the winners were announced. The competition was organized on the initiative of ADG group by the Strategic Development Agency "Center" with the support of Moscomarchitecture and the "Rules of communication" agency. The task was set as follows: to develop such a redevelopment project for cinemas, so that the new software model was maximally combined with the architectural and planning solution. 6 November ...

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Melnikov's 125th Birthday - etk-fashion.com

Today marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of onefrom the greatest architects of Russia - Konstantin Stepanovich Melnikov Today marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest architects of Russia - Konstantin Stepanovich Melnikov. His projects were so original and fantastic for their time, which caused either a storm of ecstasy or rejection. However, he managed to build about a dozen buildings and erect more ...

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