
Technology of gluing non-woven wallpaper: necessary work


Wallpaper based on non-woven fabric can be of two types: with a picture and under painting. Such products are able to easily disguise the defects of the walls, which remained after the repair work. Therefore, non-woven wallpaper is in great demand. For their gluing, you do not need to have any special skills. Structure of layers of non-woven wallpaperStructure of layers of non-woven wallpaper. You should be aware that the non-woven base can slide on the wall, so that it can be done without external assistance. If you choose wallpaper for painting, you can easily change the range of colors of the interior. In this case, the room will always seem fresh. Today, a large-width wallpaper is used quite rarely, but a large amount of this material can be found on the market. Such wallpapers have some advantages:

  • wallpaper large width can greatly simplify the process of gluing;
  • in this case there will be a minimum number of seams, which spoil the appearance of the room.

Necessary preliminary work

The scheme for gluing flizeline wallpaper. To make the sticker made qualitatively, you will need to perform some preparatory work. First of all, it is necessary to calculate the quantity of material rolls that will be needed for gluing the room with maximum accuracy. To do this, it will be necessary to measure the width and height of the room on each side separately. In the process of counting the required number of rolls, you need to add a few centimeters to each length of the canvas on each side. For clarity, you can draw a diagram on paper. In the process of choosing non-woven wallpaper, you will need to pay attention to the batch number, which is indicated on the package. It should be the same on all rolls. If there is a picture, it must also be identical. In order to properly place the wallpaper on the wall, you will need to prepare the room. The walls must be carefully leveled. This is especially important if you plan to paste a wide wallpaper that does not fit properly on uneven walls. If the surface is not leveled, this will further affect the quality of the joints. Tools for.Sockets and switches will need to be dismantled. The wires will need to be insulated so that the adhesive mixture does not get inside the boxes. All walls will need to be thoroughly treated with a primer mixture and then dried. For gluing non-woven wallpaper, you will need to prepare the following elements:

  • Roller. Will be used for edge processing.
  • Polyethylene film.
  • A brush with a short pile.
  • Spatula made of plastic.
  • Capacity for the adhesive mixture.
  • Roller.
  • Roulette.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Level.
  • Adhesive mixture for wallpaper on non-woven basis.
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    Technology of gluing flizeline wallpaper by own hands

    First of all, you need to perform the layout of the walls. Wallpaper based on nonwoven have an excellent edge, pasted on butt. The marking must begin at the corner of the room. In these places, the canvas will be glued on in order to be able to properly process them. If you plan to glue a material with a width of 1.06 m, then in all directions from the corner it will be necessary to postpone 1 m. Using a plumb bob or building level and a simple pencil, you will need to map a vertical line to the height of the builder. Roulette should be noted from the drawn line of 1.06 m. Thus, you need to draw all the walls. Then the floor is covered with a film of polyethylene. It will need to roll the roll of wallpaper face down. If the material has a picture, it must be taken into account when cutting the canvas. Scheme of preparing the wall for wallpapering. If there is no drawing, you will need to measure the height of the room with tape measure in the place where the piece of wallpaper will be pasted, and it will be necessary to add 10 cm more. The roll is bent to the rolled out part so that the edges coincide. In this case, you get an even bend. On the bend, it will be necessary to hold a hand, then cut with a construction knife. In this case, you can apply and a new clerical knife. Thus, the wallpaper is prepared for the whole room. Cloths will need to be rolled into loose rolls so that the front side is inside. Due to the basis of non-woven linens, problems in this case should not arise. Next, you need to dilute the adhesive according to the instructions. Use only adhesive for non-woven wallpaper. Water is poured into a prepared container, after which a thin stream of adhesive pours out. During the preparation of the mixture it must be constantly mixed to prevent the formation of lumps, which can prevent qualitatively paste the wallpaper. Adhesive solution should stand up a little to swell. A plastic mesh can be installed in the container, which removes excess glue. The roller will need to be immersed in a container with a solution, after which it will be carried along the grid. Next, you need to spread the glue on the wall to glue one sheet. The cloth must be started to glue from the top. It is necessary to take up the extreme part of the canvas, and then attach it to the wall. Roll slowly descends, in the process you need to smooth the wallpaper from the middle to the edges with a brush. In this case, you can also use a spatula made of plastic, but all actions must be performed carefully, as the wallpaper can be damaged. The scheme of calculating wallpaper for the room. Glue wallpaper on the basis of nonwoven so that they fit snugly against the wall. The presence of bubbles and folds is not allowed. After sticking the two canvas rolls, you need to roll the seams of the material. A piece of wallpaper, which remains at the bottom, will need to be cut off gently. This should be done after the wallpaper has dried. You need to calculate everything in such a way that the skirting board installed later can close the lower part of the wallpaper. A curb of the required thickness can be installed at the top of the wall. Back to contents</a>

    How to glue non-woven wallpaper on the corners

    The first step is to prepare an anglepremises. This needs to be done in the process of putty walls. The corners are equipped with devices made of plastic, which are attached to the putty to the walls. The entire product must be completely dry, only after that it will be possible to proceed with the gluing of non-woven wallpaper. In the process of gluing a corner, the wall and the corner of the plastic should be carefully smeared with an adhesive mixture. Cloths will be placed overlapping, the entire panel is not recommended to glue on the corner. In most cases, the corners in the rooms are not ideal, which can cause defects: the corners of the material will wrinkle, the strip will warp. To exclude this, you must correctly glue the corners. The fabric should be glued in such a way that a small overlap is obtained on the wall, which is located next to it. The next strip is glued to another wall, it is glued to the corner with a slight overlap. Further this "tail" is cut with the help of a construction knife, it is necessary to be oriented along the vertical of the corner. As a result, under this canvas, up to 2 cm of the cloth from the adjacent wall will be glued, the first sheet will be pierced with an edge into the corner. Back to contents</a>

    Sticky fleece wallpaper on the ceiling

    It is quite rare to find a ceilingconstruction without cracks or protuberances. To solve this problem, you can glue the material on a non-woven base on the ceiling. As a result, all the shortcomings will be hidden. Ceiling wallpaper on a non-woven base does not stretch. Bubbles in the process of applying an adhesive mixture will not form. Cloth is easy to lay out and spread on the base. First of all, you need to apply the adhesive mixture to the ceiling structure. It should be noted that this solution can only be applied to a clean and dry base. After this, the structure is covered with a primer to improve the adhesion of the adhesive solution. In this case, you do not need to carefully customize the wallpaper butt. However, there is some peculiarity. The side sheets are overlapped, and the joint line is leveled by trimming the surplus along the line of the previous one. If the technology is observed, an even number of canvases can be obtained. Then the material should be allowed to dry. However, it should be remembered that fresh air will disrupt the process. Accordingly, all doors and windows in the room must be closed. When the wallpaper has dried, you can paint them. The first thing you need to decide on the color. For the ceiling construction, gentle tones are the most suitable. In the process of selecting a shade, we must remember that it must match the color of the walls. For painting, it is possible to use water-based latex paint. It is applied by an ordinary roller. Apply the mixture perpendicular to the window. On the wallpaper should be 2 coats of paint. In this way, unpainted areas can be eliminated. Particular attention should be paid to painting the seams of cornices. If you know the technology and follow the correct sequence of actions, you can qualitatively decorate the room so that she gets a new life and enjoyed a long period of time. When the existing design of the room gets bored, you can buy the paint of the color you like and repaint the wallpaper anew in case you previously glued the corresponding material. This is much easier and less expensive than producing new repair work with the removal of old wallpaper and pasting walls with new ones. Thus, it will be possible to maintain the novelty and the desired aura in the room.

