Is the kitchen area very small?What should it have in this case, we will tell you in this article Small kitchen space is not a reason to despair. Even on five square meters you can create a kitchen that its larger brothers will envy, functionality, comfort and beauty. The main thing is to understand what is most important for you among the huge range of accessories.Kitchen Kyton Small size kitchen canbe even more ergonomic, practical and roomy than a large one. The hostess, as a rule, wants all those elements that are usually characteristic of spacious kitchens, but based on the size of the room, it is necessary to come up with all sorts of ways to maximize the saturation of every centimeter. It is clear that one cannot dream of a large arsenal of household appliances, a huge number of built-in appliances and an island in such cramped conditions, but some list of items is necessary. Istvan Tallodi, "Kitchen Interiors": - For a small kitchen, it is not recommended to use classic models, since they are usually characterized by a large number of decorative elements that carry a visual load. In addition, open shelves, cornices, pilasters and other design solutions require additional centimeters for installation. It is best to choose a smooth surface for the facades and the entire kitchen as a whole, without differences, protrusions and transitions.
Model Alea4 Standard items In thisThis group includes things that you simply can't do without in the kitchen. This is a free-standing refrigerator, stove and sink, which make up the well-known "kitchen triangle". The hob can consist of two or three burners to save space. It will also not be difficult to find a sink of the smallest size - the market is very flexible in this regard. In addition, some models have a filtration system built in, eliminating the need to store jugs for clean water or a boiler that supplies hot water (up to 98 degrees) to brew tea. And a pull-out mixer hose, which can be found in some models, will make it easier to wash dishes.
Kyton CR&S Varenna3 Furniture Furniture shouldbe light, different from the color of the walls. Transparent or mirrored shelves visually increase the space, so their use in the interior is justified. The dining table, if it fits in the kitchen, is usually placed near the opposite wall. Furniture should be selected so that it meets the following principles: capacity and accessibility. And at least a few cabinets should stretch almost to the ceiling so that attention is drawn to the upper part of the room, thereby "raising" its level. You can read about how to plan a kitchen in a studio apartment.
Storage systems The more internalspace allocated for storing various necessary items, the better. Therefore, to fill the maximum volume of the room, furniture can reach a height of 230 centimeters. If this is not the limit, then for rarely used things you can add another 50-60 centimeters. The standard depth of drawers of 60 cm in small kitchens is reduced to 45, and the width, on the contrary, they try to increase (the internal width of one cabinet of 90 cm is approximately equal to two of 50).
Varenna Kitchen Minimal You can increase the depth,thus losing the total area of the kitchen, but increasing the useful volume. There will be much more work space for cooking, and the upper cabinets can be lowered a little. It would seem that insignificant centimeters will turn out to be simply enormous in a small kitchen when it comes to filling them with items. Also, very often they try to use the wall by hanging hooks or rails. Istvan Tallodi, "Kitchen Interiors": - Under the countertop in a small kitchen space, all cabinets should be pull-out, including corner ones, since the doors of wide drawers will be inconvenient to open. The systems can be varied - both carousel, rotating in both directions, and other tricky mechanisms that allow you to get to the items stored at the farthest wall, without having to lay out everything that lies in front.
Varenna Kitchen My Planet2
My Planet CR&S Varenna5 TechniqueBuilt-in appliances will be the best choice. Now there are both miniature or coffee machines, and dishwashers with ovens. Their size does not affect the characteristics at all, so they can be stored on brackets. And in terms of price, such items are cheaper than their larger counterparts. Although the latter are able to combine several functional features at once, allowing you to keep only one unit of equipment at home instead of three or four. Istvan Tallodi, "Kitchen Interiors": - There is only one problem: as a rule, those who have a small kitchen space are much more constrained in funds than owners of a large area. If you evaluate by material, then a small kitchen will be cheaper than a large one, but due to storage systems, "tricky" mechanisms and other "smart" solutions, the specific price per linear meter will be higher. For example, the same cabinet 60 centimeters wide costs a little more than 30 cm, but, if you look at it the other way around, 2 cabinets 40 cm each are much more expensive than one cabinet per meter.
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My Planet CR&S Varenna2
What should be in a small kitchen -