
Unusual painting of walls with the help of stencils, sponges, rags


There is a huge amount of materials today.for finishing the premises. Given this large assortment and modern design trends, it seems that it has long since sunk into oblivion. Meanwhile, using a variety of painting methods, you can give your home not only comfort, but also individuality. Drawings on the wallsWith the help of drawings on the walls, you can diversify even the most boring interior of the room.

Methods of painting with stencils

Depending on the style of the room and tastesmaster, painting can be done in several ways. One or more paint colors and accessories can be used. So, nowadays the use of stencils is very popular. Clichés can be purchased at the store or created independently. It takes just a few minutes to produce a simple stencil, more complex patterns are often performed for hours or even days. Depending on the method of drawing the picture, the cliches can be divided into several varieties: Scheme of using stencils.

  • Simple. Here, the walls are painted in only one color. Usually with the help of such stencils on the surface are inscriptions or simple signs.
  • Combined or complex. In this case for decoration of walls several cliches and paint of different tones are used. This method allows you to put on the surface images of almost any complexity.
  • Volumetric. Clichés are cut out in thick sheets of plastic or metal. To create the volume is used a special multi-colored putty.
  • Back. With this method, all the image contours obtained by painting the walls have a slightly blurred "flickering" appearance. Such an effect is achieved by the fact that the surface stains not inside the stencils, but around them.
  • In order to unusual painting of the wallswas made as much as possible qualitatively and comfortably, for self-cutting out a cliche, it is desirable to use PVC sheets or vinyl film. Before you start creating a template, you need to think about the type of drawing, its location and the style of the room. The theme of the picture can be plant motifs, geometric figures or letters, which can be placed in the children's room. The best place to draw a picture in the room is the wall at the head of the bed, above the table, between the windows or near the door. Scheme of artistic painting of the wall. In order to beautifully paint the walls with a stencil, it must be cut very qualitatively and not have burrs and unevennesses. To create a template, you can use a scissors or a very sharp knife. The principle of working with the stencil is as follows: The stencil is applied to a pre-painted wall. In this case, the wall on which the decor will be produced must be perfectly smooth, dry and clean. Painting the walls inside the template is done by brush, roller or sponge. If necessary, you can use a dye in the form of a spray. Before starting work, it is recommended that you try the quality of the resulting image on a piece of wallpaper or paper. Whatever the dye was applied, the instrument must have a minimum amount. If a surplus is formed, it should be transferred to the same piece of wallpaper or paper. Back to contents</a>

    Using a sponge for painting

    Unusually paint the walls and can be using a sponge. In this case, the process of finishing turns into an exciting event, allowing you to create a masterpiece of decorative art on a simple wall. Before you begin to work, the shape of the drawing should also be well thought out. Usually, for creating large-scale patterns, several shades of paint are used, so they should fit well together without introducing disharmony into the interior design. A person who never even held a brush could paint a wall with a sponge. The main thing here is the accuracy and presence of the idea, supplemented by a good imagination. To have an idea of ​​how the finished wall will look like, you can create a small copy of the picture on paper and mentally move it to the right place. Scheme of the sequence of painting the wall. A good natural sponge is required for work. In addition, you can use a sponge for cars. Foam is not recommended, as it quickly separates and leaves its particles on the surface to be painted. In order to unusually paint the walls with a sponge, you should prepare the necessary accessories:

    • a container with water;
    • Water-based paint, the color of which is similar to the color of the walls, but has a lighter or darker shade;
    • a pallet for paint.

    The dye is poured into the pallet and applied to thewell moistened in water and wrung out sponge. Painting of walls should be made by slow and weakly tangent-impregnating movements. It is necessary to monitor the uniformity of the resulting layer by regulating the amount of paint on the sponge. When the whole surface is painted, it is necessary to wait for it to dry out. The process is then repeated using a different color shade. With this method, you can get walls that mimic natural stone: granite, marble and even malachite. Back to contents</a>

    Method of staining with a rag

    Painting the walls with a rag looks a bit moreA complex process, but at the same time it allows creating an amazingly beautiful effect. For work, several paint tones of the same color and rollers, twisted from pieces of fabric, should be prepared. The thicker and more textured the material, the more unique will be the design of the wall. The work is done as follows:

  • The main color layer is superimposed on the wall.
  • When the wall dries, an area of ​​about 1 m2 is painted with a lighter color.
  • Then the paint is rolled several times oversurface curled from a rag with a roller. The process is repeated until the pattern becomes uniform. If the roller is impregnated with the dye, it must be replaced with a new one. As a result, the walls receive a flickering and unusual pattern that has a texture of the fabric. In this way, you can paint one wall or the entire house.
  • In addition to the above described methods,Used and brushes of different rigidity. They erased a layer of paint of a lighter or darker tone applied to the main carrier layer. The intensity of mashing depends on the result to be obtained. Today, many owners ask the question: how to paint the walls? Uniform and inexpressive colors, often reminiscent of hospital walls, are a thing of the past. Using bright colors and modern dyes will allow creating an individual and attractive wall decoration without spending a lot of effort and money on it.

