How to expand the space in the apartment

Designer receptions for small interiors

A small apartment is, of course, not a problem, butOwners of small apartments often face some inconveniences. Only a carefully thought-out layout can make living in them comfortable for all family members. Today we set ourselves the task of figuring out how to expand the space in an apartment using simple means. Firstly, so that a limited-area home does not seem cramped and overcrowded with things, it is necessary to optimally use every square meter.…

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Interior of a two-room apartment

The interior of a small apartment: a photo of comfortable redevelopment

The apartment is located in Les Corts - a business andthe financial center of Barcelona. Despite its modern significance, the area has a long history and is filled with fairly old buildings. In particular, the premises being reconstructed are located in a 19th-century building. The owner, Yuna, is a Japanese woman who has long settled in Spain. However, she has not eradicated her penchant for traditional Asian minimalism. Initially, the apartment was randomly filled with walls, rooms, …

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About partitions in the apartment

Modular wall: placement of things and functional division of space

Modular wall in the interior of a small apartment BIn a small apartment, a modular wall can be a real lifesaver. Rising rents have forced people to live in smaller and smaller spaces, but this also encourages imagination and creativity. Using sliding doors to hide clutter and separate areas, Australian architect Brad Schwartz designed this space-maximizing project in…

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Decor of small squares

Photos of design ideas for small apartments

Small space design is a wholeart! However, there are many ready-made ideas: from storage systems and color palettes to complex multifunctional furniture. In fact, there may be so many examples that you will have a harder time choosing than finding the right option. First, you need to maximize the space with color, light and mirrors. A small city apartment can look as spacious as…

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The interior of small rooms

Making a small office in the apartment: professional advice

Take advantage of the small andunclaimed spaces Living in a small apartment is not easy. The problem of lack of space immediately comes to the fore, especially if you decide to work from home. Usually it is solved by moving furniture and cluttering the space even more. However, the advice in the article will help everyone understand that even in the tiniest housing there are places that can be effectively used to accommodate home…

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About redevelopment in the apartment

Design techniques in the interior of a narrow long room

Undoubtedly, everyone dreams of having one in theirat our disposal a spacious home with an open layout. Such that there would be room for the inner designer of any person to roam and bring to life any ideas. But in reality, most often we get such an area in which you can’t really fantasize. Ordinary apartments with rectangular elongated rooms or a kitchen, the space in which is extremely dangerous to expand by demolishing walls. When creating an interior…

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Interior of a studio apartment

Photo examples of the design of small city apartments

To design the interior of an apartment of 50 sq.meters, the minimalist style was used. When implementing the project, the authors tried to fully follow the wishes of the owners and leave as much free space as possible. All the main areas that should be functional are very clearly visible visually. From the very beginning, the layout of the apartment was free, except for the bathroom, but during the work, most of the walls were moved - the bathroom…

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The interior of small houses abroad

Modern small house from Japanese architects

Modern Small House by Kouichi KimuraArchitects from the Japanese studio Kouichi Kimura built a modern small house for a 50-year-old couple. The family lives in a densely populated area. The clients asked to develop a project for a home that would seem spacious inside and compact on the outside. The layout is very simple: the living room is in the center, all the other rooms are adjacent to it. The designers tried to create a visual sensation of a large space. They managed to make…

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The interior of small houses abroad

Tiny houses are replacing mansions

Tiny Homes Are Changing the Face of America In the BackgroundWith the ongoing housing crisis and other economic recessions in the United States, tiny homes are gaining popularity among the population, pushing the traditional "American dream" of a luxurious, oversized mansion into the background. Could they be a new American ideal, more in keeping with modern conditions? Christopher Smith and Meret Mueller of Colorado are just one…

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Garage arrangement

Reconstruction of the garage under the dwelling - photo of the implemented project

Bill Fry Construction – Wm. H. Fry Const.Co. This family enjoyed the coziness of their cottage, but they knew they needed more space. "Our little ones were living in one room, which was pretty cramped," says one of the owners. "We needed more space for the kids and guests." The owners noticed a large garage filled to the brim with odds and ends. "We…

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