Without a doubt, every summer cottage needsa small garden path. But if you want to make it not only functional, but also beautiful - this article is especially for you Closer to summer, more and more people prefer to spend time outdoors as often as possible. But at the dacha, in addition to relaxing and cooking shashlik, it is also nice to do . For example, you can make a beautiful garden path. Recently we wrote about how exactly and with what materials to organize this. All the details can be found . And today we invite you to look at 20 beautiful paths that will surely inspire you to do something similar at your dacha. A traditional straight path laid out of stone will decorate any area. And if you plant hydrangeas or any other flowers with dense foliage along such a path, walking along it will be twice as pleasant!Another interesting option is to combine smooth and untreated stone. Since the smooth surface takes up most of the path, it is comfortable to walk on.
Large, even, absolutely flat stones can be diluted with greenery - for example, moss.
Instead of moss, you can plant low-growing perennial flowers between such stones. They will fill the gaps between the stones.
Let the foliage be not only on the trees, but also under your feet! Besides, making such concrete “leaves” is within everyone’s power.
The "varnished" version of the leaves creates the effect of a recent rain. In the hot summer time, the feeling of freshness is especially important.
An excellent option for lovers of minimalism. The combination of small gravel and large stones, selected in the same color scheme, looks harmonious.
Opposite to the previous color combination, this option will refresh any garden! Bright greenery in contrast with light stone creates the feeling that there are steps under your feet.
If you find it difficult to imagine a beautiful stylish garden path made of bottles, take a look at this option! The main thing is to choose bottles of approximately the same color.
By selecting stones of different colors but approximately the same size, you can use your imagination and come up with your own pattern.
You want to not only walk along such a fantasy mosaic path, but also look at it endlessly!
The path strewn with very small light pebbles looks very interesting and neat.
This option for landscaping a path is perfect for a site with a slight slope.
The path, slightly “sunken” into the soft grass of the lawn, looks very original.
This arrangement of individual stripes of the path resembles a zebra crossing leading to your home.
Most people lay a path to avoid stepping on the lawn. But in this case, the lawn grass itself serves as an excellent material for a garden path!
Wood is an excellent and always available material in the country.
The longitudinally laid boards were perfect for the zigzag path-bridge.
It will take a lot of time and painstaking work to make this path. But on such a smooth surface you can safely walk barefoot without suffering from splinters.
Place small lanterns (solar powered, for example) along the path. They will be almost invisible during the day, but when darkness falls, yours will be transformed!
20 great ideas for the garden path