Designers and architects, faculties and schools - forspecial training courses have been organized for you, thanks to which you will be able to learn a lot of new useful information regarding modern housing. Judging by , there are only a few hours left before the start of this project. Educational seminars will begin on Thursday, where specialists will share their accumulated experience with the audience. The topics of the presentations are extensive. They will touch upon such important and topical issues as the lighting scenario of the room, new equipment for kitchens and bathrooms, smart homes, the need for video projection equipment in the house, and most importantly - what is modern housing.Lecturers for the current session, which starts at 9The participants of the event, which took place on September 29 in Kazan, were: lighting designer Sergey Sizy, video solutions specialist Artem Markov, Gira representative Sergey Finogenov and VIPelectronics CEO Ravil Gibadullin. Each of them will take on some of the topics, and there will be short coffee breaks between the presentations of industry professionals. The portal is an information partner. Hurry up to register on the site — there are only 25 free places left! Free for designers and architects. After completing a year-long course of such sessions, you will receive the qualification of "modern housing specialist".
On September 29, the first session of the Academy of Modern Housing will open in Kazan -