Master class on the topic "Audio and video equipment asart object in the interior" will start at 19:30. Designers, architects and decorators are invited. The company and Gallery of impeccable equipment "Nazarov" offer to the attention of specialists an event on the placement of equipment in the interior. How to choose the right equipment among the existing variety? How to fit the necessary elements into your style? Various options will be considered - from to baroque, examples of which will show that equipment can be most harmoniously combined with any of the styles, becoming an important element in them. After all, technology has long played a significant role in the interior.The meeting will be held with the participation of "Archistudia" 3December. Event address: Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 29/1. For questions about attending the event, please call the following numbers: +7-985-231-19-63 ( ); +7-916-160-59-92 ( ).
On December 3, there will be a master class on placing equipment in the interior –