Interior designer Evgeniya Ignatova is waiting for everyonethose who wish to attend their seminar on organizing a design studio business. The meeting will be held on March 31 in the Barcelona Design showroom in Moscow. The seminar will begin at exactly 17:00, where important aspects of creating your own design studio and the structure of the business organization itself will be considered. What is an ideal studio? What are the main stages of work? Where to get profit, where you can save money, is it possible to work remotely and the most effective techniques - this and much more will be the main material of the meeting. The seminar will be led by Evgenia Ignatova - an interior designer, author of several design courses, as well as the curator and founder of the Design Experience Barcelona project.The meeting with the designer will take place at the address: Mytnaya St., 7, building 1, English Quarter residential complex. Registration by phone: 8 (499) 322-47-18 and 8 (495) 120-10-55.
On March 31st there will be a seminar by Evgenia Ignatova –