
5 laureates of the award Restaurant & Bar Design Awards 2013


Recently, the winners of the annualWe chose five of our own favorites among them and today we'll introduce them. Let's start with the brightest star - the brainchild of Foster + Partners - the London bar Atrium Champagne Bar, located on the ground floor of the ME Hotel. The main hall is made in the form of a pyramid with walls of white and floors of black marble. The only triangular window is located at the highest point - at an altitude of nine floors. The clear geometry of the space is dilutedsmooth, streamlined forms of white sofas (the length of one of them reaches 30 m). The general atmosphere sends visitors to the pulsating blue high-tech backlit blockbuster "Throne", then to the magical depths of the ocean with a game of sunlight and with huge jellyfish on the bottom. Camp and Furnace in Liverpool - a vivid example,that the varnished fashionability can not satisfy all the needs of the city dweller. The beer garden, decorated in the style of the canteen of the summer camp, is gaining more and more admirals every day. Design studio Smiling Wolf and FVMA,engaged in the project, tried to connect in the building of the former warehouse the creative atmosphere of the now popular loft space and the liberating freedom of the common dining room, where strangers are sitting at a distance of turning their heads from each other. The Höst restaurant in Copenhagen bribed the judges"Honest" Scandinavian approach to design, implemented by a team of Norm architects. Fans of white walls and textured wood, no doubt, will appreciate the rustic village simplicity of the "harbor of merchants". Kai Design created more than creativeThe project of the bar, called The Lost & Found. The theme of the project is the life and work of a fictional character - Professor Hettie G. Watson. The room is divided into five conditional zones: a laboratory, a conference room, a canteen, a secret store and a botanical club. In the category of "Lighting" distinguished Shanghairestaurant The Feast, over the interior of which worked specialists from Neri & Hu Design and Research. Five hundred lamps from the blown glass, hung over the heads of visitors, create a sense of presence in the open air, where fireflies fly in the air, and behind the transparent bamboo partitions - only a forest and a quiet country night.

