The Roomble portal invites specialists andindustry professionals to their next master class, dedicated to calculating the cost of a design project and other services of an architectural bureau. The host of the seminar will traditionally be designer Evgenia Ignatova, founder of Design Experience Barcelona. Together with her, as usual, the lecturer will be the editor-in-chief of the portal Oksana Kashenko. They will tell the guests of the Natuzzi salon, which this time had the honor of becoming the meeting place, about the most important aspects of the designer's work. Namely, about the cost of their services for developing the idea, concept and components of the project. How to calculate them, what is most important and how to work with making a profit - this and much more will be covered in great detail at the meeting.The master class will take place on April 6 at:Frunzenskaya Embankment, Building 34. The event starts at 18:30. Designers and architects are invited. To enter, you must register in advance by sending your contact information to the email address .
On April 6, a seminar on calculating the cost of a design project will be held -