Design khaki

6 mistakes when caring for domestic plants -


To look after your "green friends" withoutthe corresponding recommendations, which are usually given in specialized stores when buying plants, is like making a puff cake without a prescription. Today the editorial staff of will tell you about the most common mistakes when caring for your house plants. Almost everyone has houseplants in their home. And if this is not ersatz geranium or violets in the form of mold on your tea the day before yesterday or moss on the north side of your dressing table, then this article is for you. To each his own As you know, each plant has its own place in the sun: aglaonema, for example, cannot stand direct sunlight; aspidistra - "cast iron" plant, which is not afraid of either dirty air or occasional watering; but potus, or "devil's ivy" hates drafts and prefers to grow in hanging pots against the wall. Each plant has its own list of conditions for comfortable living. Therefore, carefully study the needs of each representative of the flora in your home. The battery is the enemy of plants Among indoor plantsthere are no people who would like to be above the battery or in the immediate vicinity of it. Unless only cacti and ficuses (but broadleaf ficuses, for example, cannot stand the heat either). And no matter how actively you water them without thinking about water meters, the heat of the radiator will dry them out, and sooner or later the flowers will wither. Water is life Don't forget to watertheir houseplants, but also moisturize their leaves and stems, using a spray bottle, for example. After all, it is unlikely that it will rain in your apartment, and moisture is needed both for the root system and the outer part of the plants. It is recommended to do such water procedures once a week. A lot does not mean well Watering the flowers, of course,good and correct. But each plant has a period in its life (as a rule, it is winter), when it "hibernates" and does not grow. It is at such moments that abundant and frequent watering can ruin your hydrangea. Don't go against nature / don't play druidCertain plants, such as azaleas, cyclamens, chrysanthemums and gerberas for example, are destined by Mother Nature to bloom about once a year. You can certainly play druid and spray your "pets" with all sorts of chemicals - there are plenty of them on the shelves of flower shops, but we at are against "steroid" experiments with wildlife. Choose the right water You bought your ficusa new ceramic pot, but after the first watering there is still a white coating on it? It's all about the excess of minerals that make the water hard. Water your flowers with "glucose" or boiled (but not hot) water. For watering, you can also use aquarium water (only be careful with fish). Now your knowledge can be envied by any amateur horticulturist (who does not read, naturally). Love your home plants and do not deprive them of attention.

