How to decorate your interior to the maximumspectacularly, during the Mosbuild exhibition, the famous designer Elena Teplitskaya will tell Designer, decorator and head of her own studio Elena Teplitskaya is a person with exceptional talent, capable of giving any of her projects unique features and the necessary mood. An unconventional view of things and originality of perception are fully embodied in her works, which are characterized by the words: "design is fun." The main thing is to put the right point. And the lecture will be devoted to exactly how to correctly make final accents in the process of decorating. Giving space uniqueness and creating a special atmosphere, the dominance of individual features - this and much more will be discussed at the meeting with the designer.The lecture will take place on April 7 as part of the Mosbuild exhibition. The portal is an information partner. The meeting starts at 16:00. Registration .
On April 7, Elena Teplitskaya will give a lecture -