Notes of the designer

Smart home equipment: Whirlpool updated its lineup


Whirlpool became one of the first companies in the world,Presented a line of remotely controlled household appliances. The future is not far off, and today it has become possible to manage your home appliances from a smartphone or tablet based on Android or iOS. Therefore, the brand Whirlpool went further and in the development of the concept of "Smart Home" began to design entire ecosystems together with the largest IT companies - IBM, Amazon and Nest. Now it will be possible not only to manage the equipment withTablet, but also to combine it with other devices and various services. For example, with cloud storage or with applications that control all kinds of parameters. With the help of services from Amazon, you can immediately order the right ingredients. And the thermostats from Nest are able to automatically change the duration and frequency of washing cycles to avoid overpaying for electricity or too much load on the network. The line of the brand Whirlpool includes "smart"Washing and drying machines, a refrigerator and a dishwasher. All devices are equipped with intuitive technology, which independently adjusts the operation parameters of the equipment. And of course, each device can be controlled from a smartphone or tablet using an application.

