
"Archistudiya" held a pre-New Year's aperitif –

Representation of leading Italian factoriesAsrchistudio together with the salon "Novaya Studiya", which recently changed its place of residence, rehearsed the New Year's Eve with a special event "Sculptors - to design" On December 10, designers and architects were invited to a pre-New Year's aperitif, which took place in the bright light of unique collections from Fiam Italia and Brand Van Egmond. The presented objects were not so much sculptures or new collections, as true works of art. The evening passed in the glitter of crystalFIA glass and mirrors, illuminated by unique lamps of the Dutch architect, and it was remembered by the guests not only for the presentations of such unusual art objects, but also for the interesting lectures from Irina Shutko and Georgy Schmidt. Musical accompaniment was provided by a vocal and instrumental trio, creating a relaxed atmosphere, under which those gathered were able to enjoy the holiday and receive a sparkling drop of warmth and light from Asrchistudio.

