Marble countertops don't count anymorea luxury item and an accessory only to classic interiors. Not so expensive anymore, but still very practical. True, it requires special care. The secrets of which you will learn from our article Marble countertops are perfect for any interior and any room. But they are mainly used in bathroom and kitchen design, attracting attention with their aesthetics, entourage and magnificence. Add to this a long service life, strength and plasticity due to the properties of the natural material, we get a multiple dominance of the advantages of the stone. But in order for marble to serve as successfully as possible throughout its entire service life, it is necessary to take care of it. We decided to collect the most popular and practical tips for all occasions, so that the countertop in ten, twenty, fifty years will be exactly the same as when you bought it. Tip 1. Just add water It is easiest to remove small stains with water, since this is the simplest option. And with the help of a soap solution, older and larger stains in structure will be destroyed. The main thing is not to use products with aggressive chemicals that damage the surface. A soft cloth soaked in warm water can not only remove dirt, but also polish the marble to a shine.Tip 2.Removing water stains Water, especially hard water, can also damage the countertop, forming white spots where it comes into contact. They can be removed very easily with a metal sponge, which is usually used to remove rust from pots or stoves. But with marble, this should be done very gently, ideally you should find a thin sponge, a couple of movements with which will give it its original appearance. Sergey Babaev, "Synergy of Stone" - You need to remember the following: marble is a very porous material, so it instantly absorbs whatever is spilled on it (juices, coffee, wine), and if you do not wipe it off in time, stains will remain. As a solution, I would recommend using a granite countertop, since this material is much denser and more durable.
Tip 3.Instant reaction A sudden foreign substance getting on the marble will not cause any particular problems for the countertop if it is removed promptly. The same sponge with water or soap will come to the rescue. It is best to first collect wine or juice with a napkin or towel, and then wipe the surface dry in the already known way. The main thing is not to leave this problem for a long time.
Tip 4.For greasy stains In the kitchen, the process of eating food is associated with its preparation, which, in turn, is associated with all sorts of problems. Stains from fat, oil and other liquids look unsightly on the surface, but at the same time they can be easily removed if you do not leave them for a long time. A rag soaked in alcohol or any absorbent powder, such as starch or chalk chips, will help quickly and decisively wash away stains and forget about this trouble. There is also a huge selection of various solvents if the use of improvised means did not bring the expected effect.
Tip 5.For complex organic stains Coffee, tea, juice and other organics tend to dry out in the sun. But why wait for this if you can just use a special solution that can deal with the troubling situation much faster. Hydrogen peroxide with water or water with ammonia are applied to a cloth, towel, napkin or any other absorbent material, and the whole composition is placed in the epicenter of the problem. After a couple of hours, use tip #1 - rinsing with warm water and polishing to a shine with a dry cloth. Larisa Baraeva, "Kitchen Interiors" - There are cases when a marble countertop deteriorates very badly after four months. This can happen due to water containing a lot of iron and alkali, or due to the use of chlorine-containing compounds. Therefore, the countertop should be periodically treated with a special impregnation and then cared for with a regular soap solution.
Tip 6.Rust is not a problem There are many special cleaners that are ready to help solve the problem of rust. Such products will have a harmful effect on natural stone in any case, so it is necessary to wipe them off as quickly as possible after application and check the instructions for the rules and principles of operation before using.
Tip 7.Children played with a felt-tip pen Left a child alone for a few minutes, and he found nothing better to do than to paint the countertop with paints, a felt-tip pen or ink? And, what's more, did it on an elite representative It's not a problem if you have nail polish remover or acetone on hand. Hydrogen peroxide will also work, but it is important to remember that if the marble surface is dark, then this solvent will leave light spots on the countertop.
MELIA BLANC BRILLANT Tip 8.Moss and fungus In places of high humidity and exceptional dampness there is a risk of fungus, mold and moss formation. Again, aqueous solutions containing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide come to the rescue. Mandatory rinsing of the contaminated area with warm water will prevent it from expanding.
How to Care for a Marble Countertop: 8 Tips for All Occasions –