House and Cottage

The best design projects of houses and apartments in November


Top 10 best apartments and houses of the last monthautumn, compiled according to the readers of the site Everything that the people liked and collected a lot of responses in social networks is presented here. The portal is traditionally ready to please everyone with the best of the last month. And since our specialization is interior design of cool houses and apartments, how can you do without them? Meet the top ten of what our readers especially liked in November! If you accidentally missed a selection of the best for October - you! 10th place Winter has come into its own, but thoughts about summer never leave us. Therefore, the interior of this living room, on which the decorator Yekaterina Kozlova worked, evokes thoughts of warmth and sun. Life outside the city can and should be just that - romantic and very calm. ... 9th place In this house, finished with clapboard, there is noexpect to see so many bright interior items. Much was done here anew, when the customers had a strong desire to move away from the bustle of the city. The interiors were handled by the designer Alexandra Melnikova. ... 8th place Restrained antiquity and prettyclassic forms in this interior look stylish and modern, despite the fact that in the past there was a tenement house. Dmitry Kuznetsov and Natalya Vorobyova from the Property lab + art bureau restored the historical layout of the premises, carried out restoration work and placed a large collection of modern art inside. ... 7th place As in an apartment of 150 square metersmeters to allocate space for a laundry room and a spacious dressing room? Only by redevelopment and zoning of the space, with which the designer Alexandra Melnikova again masterfully coped. ... 6th place Design studio Bottegadesign in thisthe project was engaged in house renovation using only natural materials. Sustainability was the main prerequisite for the customers. As a result, the facade of the house was redesigned, and new furniture appeared in the premises, which was very suitable for the style of the chalet being created. ... 5th place The authors of this project are Lydia Bolshakova andAlla Gnatyshen - created a very non-standard, but organic and restrained interior. After all, this is neoclassicism, moreover, for men, with a slight touch of brutality. ... 4th place It was the most common three-ruble note, but afterrenovation, it has been radically transformed. The hallway area was separated from the apartment, but the kitchen and living room became one. There was even a place for a laundry and a dressing room. Svetlana Startseva was responsible for the design and functionality. ... 3rd place Interior opening this monthtop three, will appeal to everyone who prefers minimalism. Natural materials and branded furniture, style and comfort, aesthetics and function are organically coexisting here. Ksenia Korovina and Natalya Kuchma worked on the interior of this 117-square-meter Moscow apartment. ... 2nd place The interior of this studio was designedby a team of TZAM Architects for the Mojito Club Holiday Residence, located on the Bulgarian coast. The sea is Black, and the apartment itself is white and very pleasant. ... 1st place The biggest attention in November wasgiven to this house - stylish, bright, very comfortable and very attractive. It has everything you need for life, relaxation, receiving guests and absolute family happiness. ...

