The first showroom opened in Moscow at the end of OctoberGrand Cuisine. This is the very kitchen, the cost of professional equipment for which starts from 10 million rubles. The system of professional culinary equipment Grand Cuisine by Electrolux Professional in a complete set, which everyone has been discussing, has finally arrived in Russia. We have already talked about it, but now we were able to see this promising new product in action. As part of the presentation, which took place in the FTF interior salon, a real gastronomic journey was arranged. Italian brand chef Grand Cuisine Paolo Pettenuzzo cooked for the assembled spectators, and Vladimir Mukhin, the brand ambassador in Russia, assisted him.Harri Päiväniemi, Vladimir Mukhin and Anatoly Mukanaev
Vladimir Mukhin, brand ambassador of Grand Cuisine
General Director of the Russian representative office of Electrolux Harri Päiväniemi
Dina Dianova, head of the Grand Cuisine project in Russia
Natalia Belonogova, designer and Tatyana Konstantinova, RSVP Agency
Paolo Pettenuzzo, Brand Chef, Grand Cuisine (2)In addition to the chefs who delighted the guests with masterpiece dishes of the best restaurants, the event was attended by Electrolux Director for Russia Harri Päiväniemi, who gave a welcoming speech and introduced the above-mentioned professionals. He and the guests tried everything they cooked: scallops with baked almonds, lamb with eggplant praline, red tomato gougères with black caviar and blue cheese, orange honey cake and parmesan sponge cake with jelly prepared according to a special recipe.
Portal recommends visiting the FTF interior showroom on Frunzenskaya Embankment, 16/1, to see with your own eyes the magnificence and unique design of this newest system, designed only for haute cuisine dishes. With such equipment, you can arrange chic evenings right at home, having previously invited an experienced chef. Or learn to cook yourself - with Grand Cuisine, any culinary delight will be available for the most demanding gourmet.
The best technology for the kitchen appeared in Russia