
The most important contests for interior workers this fall -


Since the beginning of the new academic year, they started right awaySeveral professional competitions, some of which will be especially interesting for young professionals and those who are only learning architectural and design. From our small selection you will learn not only about the Russian awards, but also about the Paris international competition

Last month, a newInterior award Add Awards. Organizers promise to reflect the latest developments in the field of architecture, interior, landscape and subject design of St. Petersburg.

Any professionally filmed project that can be seen in the period from 2013 to 2015 can take part in the award. At the same time, participation of projects in other competitions and awards is not a barrier to registration.

The judging panel of the Add Awards includes more thanAuthoritative representatives of the industry. Among them are Alexa Hampton, Marco Piva, Arend Roelink, Massimo Iosa Ghini.

Acceptance of applications for participation will last until October 20.Registration of participants is done at Last month, the competition for the new interior design Add Awards began. The organizers promise, with the help of the participants, to reflect as much as possible the current developments in the field of architecture, interior, landscape and object design of St. Petersburg. Any professionally filmed project that was released in the period from 2013 to 2015 can apply for the award. At the same time, the participation of projects in other competitions is not an obstacle to registration in the above. The panel of judges of Add Awards includes more than authoritative representatives of the industry. Among them - Alexa Hampton, Marco Piva, Arend Roelink, Massimo Iosa Ghini. Acceptance of applications for participation in the competition will last until October 20. Registration of participants takes place at:

Smeg company supported the contest for youngDesigners of interiors, organized by Galérie 46. The competition is aimed at students-"interlocutors" and sets the task of finding and identifying talented and promising designers. The participants will be able not only to compete with their colleagues, but also see the realization of their ideas in the design of one of the premium-class apartments in the St.Petersburg LCD Privilege.

The collection of the contest works will last until the end of autumn, in December the results will be announced, and in January of the next year the winners will be awarded.

Italian organizer of international competitionsArchicontest announced the launch of the competition of ideas "Paris: Art a Montparnasse / Paris: Art in Montparnasse". The competition offers participants from all over the world to create an architectural concept of an art school or art cafe that can restore the Parisian district of Montparnasse the former glory of "a house for artists".

You can register your work before January 28Next year. A little less than a month later, the organizers promise to announce the names of the winners. Attention! The prize fund of the contest is absolutely Parisian: first place - 500 euros, second - 250 euros, the third - 100 euros. Good luck!

