Want to know how to create niches in your interior?or use existing recesses in the wall? The answers to these questions are in our article today. We recently talked about , and today we would like to pay attention to book shelves, which can also find their place in wall recesses. But before we get to work, let's look at the main points. Consider the intricacies of design Of course, it is best to create niches at the design stage, because this will allow you to take into account all the features of the interior and achieve the maximum result. But if during dismantling or repair you have unwanted protrusions, or you simply decided to hide communications, then playing up such places with a niche is also a good solution. Stepan Bugayev, interior designer - Niches and recesses are usually made of plasterboard. To give more volume, the structure is painted in a contrasting color compared to the rest of the walls. Creating a niche allows you to hide the heating elements. You can organize quite convenient shelves with lighting for placing books. Another way to create niches is to use built-in furniture. Our opinion: - In any case, the main thing is to clearly imagine what you want to do with the space that appears. Because there are often cases when a beautiful niche with bookshelves turns into a place for collecting all sorts of junk, losing all its charming qualities.
We furnish the living room in the West in a classic styleAn option for arranging bookshelves in a niche is a place on both sides of the fireplace. This way you can always read your favorite book or admire family photos, sitting by the warm hearth in your soft chair. But if there is no fireplace in the house - no problem, in such a large room there will definitely be a secluded corner, where a niche will look just right. Stepan Bugayev, interior designer - In the living room, creating a niche or recess in the wall allows you to functionally place all the books in the house. This is especially effective when the wall is a partition between two zones: the technique with a niche allows you to use it most functionally.
Improving the bedroom Arrange in the bedroom -is also a great idea that is increasingly used by designers in modern interiors. Now you don’t have to go far for your favorite publications to read, comfortably settled on your bed. Niches are most often made on both sides of the headboard, although there are other options for placement, for example, along the entire wall or in small recesses. Stepan Bugayev, interior designer - If the bedroom space allows, several niches organized along the entire wall will help to dilute the boring flat walls and give the interior a certain rhythm and dynamics. This is, of course, a more decorative technique.
We are finalizing the workplace If your workthe area is already in a niche (and this option is quite popular in small rooms), then, undoubtedly, bookshelves will give it even more functionality. Now you don’t have to fill the desk drawers “to the brim” or run to another room for another reference book. From now on, everything you need will be right at hand. Our opinion: - This is a really useful idea and “wise” organization of the workplace. When the necessary literature is within reach in a second, you will significantly save your time and will cope with the tasks at hand faster, without being distracted from the work process.
Don't forget about lighting As always, oneone of the most important points that even professionals sometimes miss is the right one. Therefore, make sure that the niches with bookcases have the necessary lighting. And whether these will be spotlights, LED bulbs or other light sources is up to you to decide, the main thing is not to forget to bring in the wiring at the stage of rough finishing.
Bookshelves in the niche: 5 things to remember