
How in 48 hours to get rid of the mess in the nursery


In your kid's room you can break your legsbecause of the scattered toys and things? With this you need to do something immediately. Thanks to our recommendations, you can dramatically change the situation and no longer be upset with such trifles. What do you imagine when you hear the word "child"? Playing children, teddy bears, bunk beds? But the young parents, unfortunately, most often come to mind less sentimental expressions: for example, disorder and trash. In order that these words do not become synonymous with children's in your home, we propose to spend exactly 48 hours (and if lucky, then less) and create a new way of life, where everything has its place.

1. Simplify the problem

The maximum. Think about what needs to be done so that the children can clean themselves in their own room, while making the minimum of body movements. Accurate children are, of course, utopia, but it is much easier to force a child to put the ball into that basket than to stimulate him to bring a chair and climb onto the top shelf, where there is a special red box for balls.

2. Make the order

Suppose you have already formed aan ideal system - it's time to clear a place for her. At first, it is better not to attract a child - crumpled pieces of paper, candy wrappers and littery candy can be thrown away on your own, while neatly folded envelopes with laces, boxes with puppet shoes, associated blue bows require special participation from the owner - it is likely that even with the child you will be able to get rid of a couple of uselessness.

3. Sort things out

This will probably take the longest.And again, we do not advise you to make decisions on your own. At the very least, consult with the children or offer them options - this will make it easier to prove that the dinosaur belongs to the rest of the animals in the red bag, and not in the middle of the room, where it looks very good. Opinion of the editors: - Books are the most important thing in any nursery, and so that interest in them does not fade away, choose a narrow display shelf for them. So the books will always be turned to the child with their covers and will be able to tirelessly excite the imagination.

4. Select the zones

Bedroom, playroom, music, dining, trainingroom and so on. This item is completely dependent on the needs of the children and the appropriateness. For example, drawing next to the bed can lead to unauthorized decorating of bed linen, and the construction of a pipeline plant from Lego near the exit to the corridor is likely to result in injuries of varying severity to other households prone to leave their rooms during the daytime.

5. Go Shopping

Well, that moment has come.You probably already have a list with ten items ready, and all that remains is to make the right choice and say goodbye to money. The main thing is not to be distracted from your plans and take your children with you. If they don't like the black boxes and pink baskets, they are unlikely to use them. Therefore, invite them to make the final choice. Editorial opinion: - Children will grow up, interest in toys will dry up at some point, but baskets, boxes, trays and consoles will remain. We do not recommend choosing things "for growth", but it is still worth looking back at the prevailing interior and color scheme of the apartment.

6. Hang up the labels

The main property of children's memory isselectivity. Boring things they are pathologically incapable of remembering. Therefore, do not be too lazy to inscribe each box and basket. If your offspring have not yet been taught literacy - be limited to drawings.

7. Make new rules

This is the most difficult, but necessary action. When the game is over, the sun goes down, the guests are on the doorstep or the cartoon is about to start, the boys and girls should find a house for each toy. They in fact longly will not see and will miss. Yes, two hours is also a long time, so everything is in order. Right now.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, alamai. com,,,,,,,,,,

