
Where to put everything: 15 ideas of storage for small apartments -


Small space as a source of inspiration:we study 15 vivid examples of the successful use of every centimeter of usable area. How and where to put things not only neatly, but also beautifully? Convenient solutions for true perfectionists A modest studio for a student or a large home for a wealthy family - any space needs storage systems. But the smaller the room, the more difficult the geometric problem. How to fit everything you need so that it is? Look at your home carefully: are all its possibilities exhausted? We explore unexpected places for cabinets, drawers and shelves and the most unusual ideas. Wardrobe ladder A ladder, even the narrowest, is notproblem, but an original find! The space below it can fit a bicycle storage, a mini dressing room and even a small bedroom. Whole libraries are arranged in the steps, and in the high spans there are “one-book” shelves and hangers for home clothes. The decision depends on the depth and height of the usable space. Staircase-wardrobe - one of the most popular solutionsin European countries with small narrow streets, where most of the city's houses are stretched to the height. Use this experience is best at the design stage or serious repair of the staircase: then it will be possible to create an entire integrated storage system that will help you significantly relieve the main premises from excess cabinets. We use niches and corners Custom shapespremises can always be turned from a headache into a dignity. wardrobes and dressers, space under roof slopes in attics and attics for organizing mini-wardrobes, corner wardrobes and structures, especially on the side of the door that opens inward - during the day your storage will be completely invisible. New reading of the mezzanine in the late 90s Russiabegan to massively demolish the Soviet legacy - corridor mezzanines. Many later regretted: not the most convenient storage device in typical apartments often served as soundproofing. Having destroyed the mezzanine, residents of Soviet high-rise buildings began to learn unnecessary details from the life of a neighbor. Now the mezzanine is experiencing a rebirth all over the world. Along with the movement for small houses, the idea was born to maximize the use of their area with the help of a small but functional "attic". Modern architects put hanging beds, libraries, study rooms and even dressing rooms there. Shelf as art Shelves and hangers - not onlyour faithful au pair, but also an interesting decorating tool. They make home showcases, they compensate for the imperfections of the walls, even the wrong color of wallpaper or paint. In a practical sense, shelves significantly save space, unlike traditional cabinets, and are applicable even where no other structure simply fits. A room in a wardrobe Traditional wardrobes also have many possibilities. One of the most popular is the cabinet-cabinet. If there is no extra room in the house, but, there is only one way out: a built-in cabinet. With the same success in the closet you can place a mini-workshop, a sewing corner and even a kitchen. Miracle hanger An obvious trend of moderndesign - open storage of clothes. Open dressing rooms, shelves-hangers in the form of stairs are in fashion; mobile mini-wardrobes, similar to a rack on wheels. This solution has many advantages: significant savings in both money and space on the doors; mobility and versatility; better preservation of things due to air exchange, etc. There are also disadvantages: a high risk of constant clutter and household dust and pet hair on things. But it also happens that there is simply no other way out. And then it is worth trying to turn the hanger into a small masterpiece of both functionality and style.

