Choosing curtains for the living room is not an easy task,requiring consideration of many factors, among which the style of the room, its color scheme, area and location on the southern or northern side are especially important. Curtains for the living room should match the decor items, wall coverings and furniture.Curtains for the living room are usually made from different fabrics, but the most popular are silk, satin, velor, plush and sateen.
Effect of color curtains on a person's psychological health
Many books have been written and seminars have been held.on the influence of color on human well-being. Different shades, brightness, and harmonious color combinations can change not only the living room, but also the behavior of the person after being in it. How to choose curtains so that the room acquires a cozy, relaxing atmosphere? Give preference to warm shades, take a closer look at the range of red, which fits between purple and yellow colors on the Itten circle.When composing a curtain composition from severalsolid colors should be used: one color, differing in shades; colors close to each other or contrasting colors. Choosing curtains in cream and brown shades means making the living room calm and comfortable. In addition, this color scheme is appropriate in small rooms. When decorating a small window, do not forget about the green color - a symbol of peace and nature. Pure white, despite its neutrality, brings coolness to the room. Shades of blue have a similar effect. Wallpaper in this color scheme should be chosen by those whose interior is made in a laconic, strict style, and the room's windows face the south. Yellow goes well with warm-colored wallpaper and is appropriate in small living rooms. Surprisingly, it combines weightlessness, lightness and energy. The texture of the fabric is not the last thing: it can be a light cotton canvas in a country style or a heavy silk curtain that will complement the interior in a classic or modern style. If you do not want to make the window a protruding element, give preference to curtains of pure light shades. A well-known design rule will help you choose the right shade: the more red in the shade, the more the object will be “prominent”. This is how a person perceives various nuances and shades, so a “warm” interior always looks more compact than its “cold” counterpart.
When choosing curtains, you need to know what color can doaffect the subconscious of a person, for example, bright colors can cause excessive excitement, headaches and eye strain. Red, even if it is combined with wallpaper, is a dangerous tool in the hands of an amateur. In no time, you can get a heavy and disturbing atmosphere in your living room: for this, it is enough to choose dark red curtains with extensive drapery. If you cannot deny yourself the pleasure and want to use this color scheme at all costs, choose Austrian or Roman blinds. Owners of a small living room should pay attention to lightened red. It does not take much imagination to imagine a washed-out pink that creates a romantic mood and gives a certain lightness to the room. It is completely different from its aggressive red ancestor. If you do not want to combine textiles with wallpaper, focus on contrast: combine light green wallpaper and soft pink window decoration into a harmonious group. Despite its brightness, blue is passive. In too large quantities it creates a feeling of melancholy and winter cold. For bold natures, a combination of blue with orange or brown is suitable. If the walls of the room are covered with light wallpaper, rich blue curtains will move forward, thereby occupying the foreground. Return to contents</a>
Style as the main selection vector
The color of the curtains and the geometry of the room - nothe only requirements that should be taken into account when answering the question: how to choose curtains? Not the least important is the style in which the room is made. In classic living rooms with enough space, curtains consisting of several panels, as well as designs made of printed fabric with a large pattern, are appropriate.The style of curtains for the living room is usually chosen in thatthe same style as the interior of the room or close to it. Structurally, these can be French, Austrian or Italian curtains made of silk, velvet and brocade. It is not forbidden to use embossing, embroidery, wide lambrequins, decorative elements in the form of fringe and tassels. If yours, pay attention to roller and Roman blinds. Since it is not easy to choose curtains in this style, it is recommended to immediately think over the color scheme of the entire room, the decorative elements used. Only this approach will help to preserve the functionality and simplicity, which are the basis of the high-tech style. The lightness and simplicity of the rustic style is emphasized by curtains made of natural materials. The most suitable for this role will be linen and cotton of a single color or with a small pattern. The oriental interior will be complemented by Japanese translucent curtains, for the creation of which it is worth choosing organza, chiffon or tulle. Return to the table of contents</a>
How to choose curtains for a small living room?
Most suitable for small living roomsarea will have curtains of light colors. This rule does not mean that you are limited to pastel shades: curtains can be quite bright and saturated.For a small living room, it is better to choose curtains inthe tone of the walls to visually expand the space. The main rule that helps to choose curtains for the living room is this: the curtains should not become an obstacle to the penetration of sunlight. Complete blackout is not required for the living room, so you can safely choose canvases of white, cream, pink and blue colors. If you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of using curtains with a complex design and a large number of decorative elements, give preference to light translucent fabrics. Designers advise in this case to choose white curtains that will be combined with curtains of complementary shades. If you have chosen curtains in a classic style, which will fall in soft folds from the ceiling to the floor and delight with the brightness of colors, remember that such a window design will dominate the entire room. All other elements of a small living room will fade into the background. The resulting effect can be compared to painting one wall with a contrasting color. If your living room lacks brightness, create it with the help of lifting curtains, which can be combined with wallpaper or have a contrasting color. Return to contents</a>
Large living room and window decoration
If your living room has a spacious area andlarge window openings, it is necessary to adhere to completely different rules. The main goal that requires implementation is the creation of comfort and coziness in a large room. For these purposes, long and lush curtains are used, various experiments with elements such as drapery, bows and layering. With special care, you should approach the choice of the shape and size of the lambrequin if the room has a high ceiling. The window acquires an impressive appearance only if the curtain is made of a sufficient amount of fabric. The width of the canvas should be 2.5-3 times greater than the width of the cornice. Warm shades will help to create coziness in a large room, terracotta and rich yellow colors are at the peak of popularity. When using curtains that completely match the color of the walls, a monochrome interior is formed, further expanding the space. Therefore, give preference to a shade that is several tones lighter or darker than the shade of the wallpaper or textured plaster. What to do if you failed to hit the color exactly? Sew some decorative pillows for the sofa from curtain fabric or napkins and a tablecloth for the table.