Wallpaper is the most common type of finishingliving spaces. The question of how to choose wallpaper, how to stick it on, what color and material to choose cannot but worry everyone who is planning to renovate their apartment. Many people do their own renovations using wallpaper. The useful recommendations below will help you choose the right wallpaper for each room in your apartment.Wallpaper is the most popular material forwall decoration. An important advantage of wall decoration with wallpaper is that you don't have to level the wall so that it is absolutely smooth, and this makes repairs much easier. Pasted wallpaper hides minor defects (unevenness and cracks). But in this case, they should not be completely smooth. There should be relief on the surface. It is also recommended to wallpaper walls when doing repairs in new buildings, which may shrink.
What are the wallpaper
The simplest wallpaper is strips of thick paper.a certain color or with some pattern. The standard width is 50-60 cm, the length is 10-10.5 m. They are spread with wallpaper glue and pasted on the wall. This work is quite simple and can easily be done by two people. No professional skills are required, and the only materials and tools you will need are the wallpaper itself, glue for it, a brush and a stepladder. This finishing material is cheap, if desired, you can even change the wallpaper yourself a couple of times a year. The disadvantages of simple wallpaper include its low durability and the ability to fade in the sun.Color combination chart for combinationWallpaper If the tape of the material consists of two paper strips glued to each other, then the wallpaper becomes stronger, they are called duplex. If three layers are glued, then, accordingly, triplex. Such material is already strong enough, but its gluing becomes more difficult. Vinyl wallpaper is wallpaper in which a PVC film is glued to a layer of paper. They are also called washable. Walls pasted with such wallpaper can be wiped with a damp cloth. Non-woven wallpaper belongs to the category of expensive finishing materials. During their manufacture, textile fibers are applied to the material, which is called non-woven. It becomes similar to fabric. In another case, the finest villi are applied, which makes the material look like velor. Such wallpaper cannot be wiped, they can only be carefully vacuumed. The advantages of non-woven wallpaper are high strength, lightfastness. But they are quite difficult to glue. Different wallpapers can be both smooth and have a pronounced texture. Wallpaper is made from different materials and is specially made for painting. That is, you can stick it on and paint it on top. You can repaint such material several times. However, it is recommended to do this no more than 6 times.
Wallpaper markings.To help the buyer navigate, manufacturers put the appropriate pictograms on their products. They make it very easy to understand how moisture-resistant the wallpaper is, how light-resistant it is, and how resistant it is to mechanical impacts. You can easily find out how to apply the glue and how to arrange the wallpaper on the wall. After all, there is a material that requires applying glue to the wall. You can find out all this from the pictograms. This is especially important when you are going to do the repairs yourself. The pictures show everything so clearly that they are understandable even intuitively. And in every store you can find a decoding of these pictures. There are also special tables that make it easy to select the right amount of material if you know the area of the room. Return to the table of contents</a>
How to choose wallpaper in different rooms
The living room is the heart of the apartment.This is where guests are received, this is the room where the whole family gathers in the evenings. Therefore, every owner wants to furnish the living room as best as possible. Expensive textile or velour wallpaper is pasted here, if the budget allows. Or you can paste high-quality triplex, which will also very wonderfully decorate the walls, hiding all their flaws.Selecting wallpaper depending on the finishingpremises. If the area of the room is large enough, then high-quality wallpaper with a large pattern will work well. If the ceiling is low, then the pattern should be vertical. The color should be chosen so that it does not merge with the color of the furniture. But too much contrast is also undesirable. An exception is original design solutions, in which, for example, white furniture is located against a black wall. But such interiors are the work of professional designers, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. In the living room, walls with a frieze look good, which can be located at a distance of 1.5 m from the floor or under the ceiling. If the living room is decorated in an ethnic style, then you can also find many wallpaper options. For example, bamboo. Or glue the material for painting and apply a bright pattern to it if you are decorating the hall in an African style. If the living room is small, then it is better to decorate it in the spirit of minimalism, gluing smooth light wallpaper without a pattern to the walls. Bedroom - rest room. It should have minimal contamination, therefore, you can paste ordinary paper wallpaper of pastel colors here. This will make the room attractive and save the budget. However, if the side is sunny, you will have to buy products with good light resistance so that they do not fade quickly. Return to the table of contents</a>
Use of photo wallpapers
The color of the photo wallpaper should match theinterior of the room. As for the children's room, special attention should be paid to the environmental friendliness of the material when decorating it. Many manufacturers produce wallpaper from natural components. It should be taken into account that the child's preferences depend on gender and age and may change over time. Walls with funny bright pictures are suitable for kids, and for teenagers - this can be photo wallpaper of the appropriate theme. By the way, photo wallpaper is also well suited for decorating one of the walls of the living room or bedroom. They are glued to the kitchen and even to the bathroom. If you decide to wallpaper the bathroom, then you should choose only moisture-resistant wallpaper of good quality. Liquid wallpaper is also suitable for this. But still, those places where water directly hits the walls of the room are recommended to be tiled. In the kitchen, it is recommended to use , which can be wiped with a damp cloth. Their quality should also be high enough, since the material is affected by increased air pollution and temperature changes. Here are only general recommendations for choosing wallpaper for renovating an apartment. These useful tips will help you make a choice if you have never made such purchases before. Now you know how to choose the right wallpaper. But when choosing a particular color, you need to listen to your feelings, since different people have different tastes. For example, some do not like pastel colors in bedrooms and they choose bright colors, for example, red. The same goes for decorating other rooms. You should first think through the entire design of the room and only then buy wallpaper. After all, they should match not only the furniture, but also the curtains on the windows, the color of the interior doors, the floor, and all other interior elements.