
Is it possible to glue the wallpaper horizontally: the preparatory stage and the gluing of the walls

Among the interior finishing works the mostwallpapering is widespread and popular. To achieve an original design, you can horizontally. In this case, the interior of the room stands out either due to the alternation of the pattern, or the color scheme of the canvases, or simply due to the alternation of the sheets themselves.Room with horizontally pasted wallpaperThe advantage of horizontal wallpapering is that renovations done in this way give the room a unique design.

Advantages and disadvantages

When planning to renovate an apartment, manywonder if it is possible to glue wallpaper not vertically, but horizontally. Yes, they can be glued horizontally. This gluing option has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the repair done in this way gives the room a unique design. At the same time, there is no limit to the flight of fantasy. The disadvantages include the fact that:

  • This process is quite complicated, it can not be done independently without someone's help. Must be present and help a partner.
  • Wallpapering in a horizontal position should be done only on carefully leveled surfaces, as any curvature on the walls will immediately strike the eye.
  • If the wallpaper is thin or on a paper base, then when they are smoothed using a roller or other improvised means, they can be torn. Therefore, at this stage of work, care should be taken.
  • If the joints of vertically pasted wallpaper are invisible, then the horizontally glued wallpaper with artificial lighting joints can be seen more.
  • If the originality of the interior, whichwill turn out in the room after pasting the walls horizontally with wallpaper, outweighs all the difficulties during the repair, then you can begin to transform the house. Return to the table of contents</a>

    Wall Preparation

    Materials and tools for preparing walls for wallpapering. You will need:

    • spray;
    • putty knife;
    • paste;
    • Oil paint;
    • brush;
    • roller;
    • putty;
    • primer.

    Is it possible to glue wallpaper on unpreparedthe surface of the walls? In no case, first it must be carefully prepared. If there is old wallpaper left on the surface, it must be removed. To do this, spray not too hot water on them with a spray bottle and leave for a while to soak. After that, they can be easily removed with a metal spatula. If the walls are painted with oil paint, they are washed with hot water with soap or soda added. To glue wallpaper to oil paint, flour or starch pastes are used. To do this, paint is applied in strips about 5 cm wide to the surface of the walls from above, below near the baseboards, around window and door openings. It is best to leave everything until completely dry after painting the first layer, then paint the second layer and dry. Next, the stripes are wiped with a rag soaked in hot water and sanded with sandpaper. Finally, all the places painted with oil paint and the corners of the room are coated with paste.Preparing walls for wallpapering.If the room has interior partitions made of dry plaster, plywood, plasterboard, etc., they must first be prepared. To do this, the joints of the sheets or slabs are cleaned, filled with putty, painted with oil paint. Or the seams are sealed with gauze, which is filled with putty, cleaned and painted with oil-based paint. The heads of screws or nails, for example, on plywood, must be driven deeper so that they are immersed in the sheet. Then these places are lubricated with drying oil, oil paint, filled with putty and cleaned. All irregularities, holes and cracks are sealed with putty. To do this, first of all, cracks and voids are filled with a small spatula. After the treated areas have dried, the entire surface of the wall is leveled with putty. At this stage of the work, it is necessary to use a building level. Next, a primer is applied to the dried wall in 1-2 layers using a brush and roller, which is necessary for better adhesion of the surface and wallpaper. The prepared wall must be even, smooth and dry. Return to contents</a>

    Preparatory stage

    You will need:

    • roulette;
    • pencil;
    • building or laser level.

    Marking symbols on wallpaper.Before you start gluing wallpaper on the wall, you need to calculate its quantity. To do this, determine the area of ​​the room by multiplying the wall height by the width. In this case, the height of the room is measured from the floor plinths to the ceiling baguettes. Then a sketch is made, which takes into account all the nuances near window and door openings, as well as near pipes and heating devices. After that, a decision is made on where to start and how to glue the wallpaper so that everything turns out beautifully and neatly. Nowadays, built-in wardrobes and fireplaces are installed in many rooms. If the wallpaper has a pattern, then in order for it to match, you need to start gluing the wallpaper from one side of the wardrobe or fireplace. To combine the pattern on the canvas, two rolls are unrolled, and the pattern is combined either transversely, or diagonally, or it does not need to be combined. If it is necessary to combine, when gluing strips, you need to change their direction, and in order not to get confused, the top of each canvas is marked with a simple pencil. In order for the wallpaper to be pasted horizontally evenly, the distance from the bottom plinth at a height of 10-12 mm is marked and a horizontal line is drawn using a level or level. It is along this line that the side of the canvas will be set. Then the roll is applied to the wall in a horizontal position and the best match of the pattern is selected. To do this, first move it to one side, then to the other, until the optimal result is obtained. To mark the canvas before cutting, the roll is horizontally applied to the wall, to the drawn line or to the upper edge of the glued piece. Next, combining the pattern, mark the lines on both sides for cutting. In the event that the walls are uneven, the wallpaper is slightly trimmed at the joints, and the cutting point on the canvas is marked with a pencil. Return to the table of contents</a>

    Wall wallpapering

    You will need:Universal glue is suitable for any type of wallpaper, while special glue is used only for a certain type of wallpaper.

    • wallpaper;
    • Wallpaper glue;
    • brush;
    • roller;
    • plastic roller.

    In order to glue wallpaper on the wall,You will need glue. If it is of poor quality or expired, then over time, stains will appear on the wallpaper, specific odors may appear, which are very harmful to health. Universal glue is suitable for gluing any type of wallpaper. And a special type is used for certain wallpapers. There is wallpaper glue, which already contains antifungal substances that prevent mold from appearing on the walls. It must be diluted according to the recommendations on the package. It is important not to allow lumps to form. To do this, pour the powder into cold water gradually and in a thin stream. Then mix everything for five minutes with a construction mixer. If lumps form in the mixture, they must be strained through a colander. After this, the prepared canvas is laid out with the pattern down. To glue the wallpaper without bubbles, the glue must be applied evenly with a roller or brush, starting from the center and moving to the edges.To glue the wallpaper evenly, you need to uselevel or level at a height of 10-12 mm from the bottom plinth draw a horizontal line. Then the canvas is folded and left to soak for about five minutes. horizontally it is necessary only with an assistant, since one simply cannot cope with this work. To do this, the canvas covered with glue is raised to the desired height and its middle is glued. Next, using a roller or a dry soft cloth, the air is accelerated to the edges so as to avoid swelling. Smoothing the wallpaper from the center to the edges should be continued until all the bulges with glue and air are removed. The next horizontal row is joined with the upper edge of the previously pasted canvas, aligning the pattern if necessary. All subsequent strips are glued in the same way. The seams must be rolled using a special roller made of plastic. Using such a roller, the seams are carefully rolled along the entire length so that they become invisible in the future. The air is driven out from under the wallpaper carefully, without damaging it. After the entire surface has been pasted with wallpaper, the glue must dry. During this process, in no case should you open the windows for several days to prevent a draft. At the end, the remains of the wallpaper are cut off near the window openings and in the corners of the room. It is easy to glue wallpaper on the walls horizontally, if you do the work with a partner. And the result can exceed all expectations both in its originality and in the unusualness and beauty of the interior.

