On March 25, in the Moscow exhibition hall "GalleryA3" will host the opening of the graphic exhibition "Estrin Code" by architect Sergey Estrin. Roomble acted as the information partner of the event. The exhibition will last until April 5. Within its framework, all visitors will get acquainted with the graphic works of architect Sergey Estrin, winner of the International Property Awards in 2012. Sergey Estrin, architect
In 1985 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute and five years laterentered the top ten young architects of the Soviet Union, having received the opportunity to do an internship in Ireland. Currently, Sergey is the founder of his own architectural studio, which began work in 2002. estrin.ru Sergey Estrin's architectural studio quickly became one of the leaders in the field of corporate design, increasing the number of awards every year. Among them is the victory in the nomination "Lighting Design" Best Office Awards 2014 (project of the Baker & McKenzie office) and Best Office Awards 2010 (project of Johnson & Johnson Visual Care Institute).
Sergey Estrin has implemented more than a hundred differentprojects, in each of which he personally participated, inventing and drawing the idea. Bright, unconventional, ambitious, expressive - these are far from all the epithets that can be chosen for the architect's projects. Our principle of working in interiors is to find a bright image, expressive, plastic, sculptural, whatever, but his own for a specific place and a specific client - as a gift to him personally. Receiving something personal that continues to please for many years is very much in demand by the customer today. A modern interior is the creation of an emotionally charged space.
Sergey Estrin
Sergey Estrin has been drawing for many years.His architectural drawings are not just a collection of graphics. Fantasy interiors and exteriors, which were often not just ideas, but also a way of communicating with customers, can now be seen by every visitor to the exhibition.
The gallery halls contain more than 70 works,made with ink, pen, watercolor and even gold leaf. Elegant graphics, installation and unusual solution of the exhibition space will help the viewer to plunge into the architectural world of Sergey Estrin and, perhaps, to decipher his “code”! estrin.ru estrin-notes.livejournal.com