
Meeting with Sergey Estrin -

October 28 at 18:00 in the center of design and interior of "Expostroy" on Nakhimovsky there will be a meeting with the famous architect Sergey Estrin Sergey Estrin - a significant figure in the domestic architecture. For more than a quarter of a century, he surprised the architectural community with his unique and unique works. It is no accident that he is a prize-winner of several international prizes. Being the head of our own architecturalWorkshop, Sergey Estrin personally oversees every project. Surprisingly, such large-scale bureau projects as the Malaya Bronnaya synagogue and the Aeroflot-Russian Airlines building began with a simple pencil sketch by Sergei Estrin. "Architectural workshop of Sergey Estrin"Works not only on large projects of buildings, but also deals with interior design. So, the interior of the business center "Legion-1" and numerous offices are due to the appearance of this particular workshop. And here's to young architects and designersthere is a unique opportunity to talk with the master of modern architecture. The master will share his rich professional experience and answer the pressing questions of young specialists. The event for designers is free, but you must first register at For representatives of commercial supplier companies, entrance to the event is paid - 1,500 rubles. Venue of the event - "Expostroy on Nakhimovsky": Nakhimovsky prospect, 24, pavilion 5, conference hall.

