Combined wallpaper in the interior todayare the "feature" that allows not only to add uniqueness to any room, but also to advantageously mask its shortcomings. We will talk further about how to glue combined wallpaper so that it is not only beautiful, but also correct.Combined wallpaper looks very stylish andmake an accent on a certain place of the room. the method of their combination is appropriate when it is necessary to put an accent. For example, the walls in a large room, covered with wallpaper of the same tone, will merge visually into one large color spot. The technique of alternating various textures belonging to the same color will help to avoid this. Situations for:
- high ceilings in the room, but a small area;
- disproportionality of the dimensions (length and width) of the room, which makes the planning extremely unsuccessful;
- the need to differentiate the premises into several functional areas;
- the need to add dynamism to one of the planes (walls);
- accentuation of a separate element in the interior;
- visual matching of adjacent rooms.
Tools for pasting combined wallpaper. Materials and devices
- ruler and knife;
- decorative curbs;
- moldings;
- wallpaper;
- glue;
- brush;
- rags;
- dishes for glue;
- roller.
The rules for pasting walls with wallpaper of two types
How to glue wallpaper with different shades?Pasting can be done with horizontal alternation. This design idea is considered a classic option, most often used in rooms with a significant height of the ceiling. In this situation, the wall surface is divided in a ratio of ½, and the joint strip is not always located only closer to the floor surface. The combination here comes down to the following: wallpaper of one color is placed at the top, and striped at the bottom; small elements on the wallpaper are glued at the bottom, and three-dimensional objects are placed at the top; two-thirds can be filled with a pattern with large flowers, and one-third can be placed with a single-color coating. It is not forbidden to change the location of these patterns relative to each other.In order to combine wallpapers you needtake into account the compatibility of colors. To visually separate different wallpapers and additionally decorate the wall surface, moldings or their alternative - decorative borders are used. In accordance with the thickness of the wallpaper material, the border is either glued on top or wedged between the wallpaper. If two areas on one surface have different layer thicknesses, a strip is used. Pasting with combined wallpaper is also possible with vertical alternation. This method of combining is used when it is necessary to raise the wall surfaces in the room. When performing vertical alternation, it is possible to choose one of several options. The first of them is the connection of two walls. When decorating a room in this way, you should select 2 dominant shades, using alternation on one wall. It is possible to erase the clarity of the boundaries during the color transition. It is possible to glue stripes every other one or two. Asymmetry is another option for vertical alternation. One of the central walls is pasted over with a bright accent strip. The wall surface on the opposite side is given stripes of identical color, the main part of the space is pasted over with background wallpaper. This solution in the interior visually expands the space.
Combined wallpapers do more than just complementthe interior of the room, and are often its main component. Pasting combined wallpaper is possible by symmetrical alternation, which gives the room a certain dynamism. To implement this solution, bright and wide stripes are glued to the main covering in the center of the room. Placed on both sides, they will visually make the room narrower. In order to smooth out the effect of an excessively large space, it is possible to combine companion wallpapers with each other, united by shades. It is possible to achieve a reduction in space by accentuating several walls with coverings of contrasting shades. Combining several reliefs and patterns will provide an opportunity to highlight the elements and nuances of the design. If there is an intention to make a gradual visual transition between two zones devoid of objectified limiters, such as arches or doors, then it is advisable to design such boundaries using color. Harmonization of the contrast with bright color spots will help to eliminate excessive sharpness. is possible by the method of color spots framing the room along the perimeter. The spots can be placed in elegant frames that give more dynamism to the walls and dilute the decor. Without a doubt, decorating an apartment layout is not an easy process. And it is not permissible to use only one technique to create a harmonious interior design. Therefore, the opinions of designers come down to the fact that it is necessary to combine the above-described methods to obtain a unique room. Return to the table of contents</a>
Elements of masking of wallpaper joints
Scheme of lines when combining wallpapers.Border tape is used as a dividing strip between wallpaper coverings of the same thickness. If the work involves the use of paper varieties of wallpaper, then the tape is glued along the top of the joint. A straight line for orientation during gluing is drawn with a laser level, which can be replaced by an ordinary rope (if there is no laser). Vinyl wallpaper has a more solid thickness, and its front side does not have the ability to absorb the adhesive composition. Therefore, a border for them is purchased accordingly. Reliable fastening of the border can be achieved by providing a gap when joining the wallpaper (narrower than the tape by 2 cm) and gluing the tape onto it so that it captures the wallpaper by about 1 cm. Return to the table of contents</a>
Arches and a combination of wallpaper
If adjacent rooms are separated by an arch, then itcan serve as an excellent basis for using the combination effect. In such a situation, it is possible to provide a smooth transition between rooms. To facilitate the work process, it is important to prepare everything you need in advance (for example, scaffolding will allow you to move more conveniently). For decorating the arch, the best option would be wallpaper with a dull pattern, the latter can be either in the form of abstract objects or small details. If you intend to get an interior with combination features, then the wallpaper for pasting the arch is made different from others used or intended for use in rooms adjacent to the arched structure.Scheme of standard wallpaper combination inroom. Before gluing the wallpaper strips, you should take care of the correct selection of glue. Its type should match the type of wallpaper. For paper, an adhesive composition for lightweight materials is suitable. Non-woven or vinyl wallpaper requires a special composition based on PVA. Only this can solve the problem of holding heavy canvases. Before you start cutting strips to paste them over the arched vault, make marks with a pencil. First, paste over the front and back parts of the arched surface. To get a more attractive hem, leave 2 cm on the edges of the canvas. Then begin to glue the central arched surface with a single strip. They begin pasting from the floor surface on any side, smoothing the material along the vault and to the very edge. Often, such arched structures are installed by the residents themselves much later than the construction of the house. Therefore, their material is different from that from which the main partitions in the rooms are made. For this reason, special attention should be paid to the correct preparation of the surface of the arch before wallpapering, so that as a result the main walls in other rooms and the walls of the structure do not have any differences.
The patchwork combination of wallpaper shouldstick to one color scheme. For example, if the arch is made of plasterboard, then before pasting, the seams on the product should be sealed using a primer mixture. For the same purpose, paper strips of different widths are used, glued directly to the places of seam joints. When constructing an arched vault from plasterboard, mechanical fasteners could also be used, the heads of which should be sunk into the body of the arch before pasting begins. Then these places are covered with varnish. The surface is primed in order to ensure better adhesion of the wallpaper material to the arched base. Having completed these preparatory measures, proceed to the procedures for pasting the arched surface. Return to the table of contents</a>
Alternative when combining wallpapers
in the room may go beyond the describedabove (vertical/horizontal combination). This can be a zonal alternation of wallpaper. It is possible to use alternation of wallpaper material with patterns that imitate, for example, natural finishing stone. This method allows you to put an accent and highlight individual "islands" in the interior. This option in most situations involves gluing wallpaper strips overlapping the existing finish that imitates the texture of stone. The same applies to the more common combination using a pattern that recreates brickwork. Such variations are more appropriate for the interiors of hallways or living rooms. The main points of the correct combination of wallpaper were considered above. Using them, you can create a unique interior for any room in your home.</ ul>