The decision to sew curtains for the living room yourselfcan greatly help in saving the family budget. Any type of living space can be decorated with various curtain designs.Pattern of a classic curtain.When choosing a certain curtain design, it is not necessary to focus exclusively on models that shine with luxury. Most modern interiors today are decorated in a minimalist style, which implies the simplicity of each element. And this trend is especially inherent in young families. At the same time, keep in mind that, choosing to sew curtains from heavy and dense materials, you can create a crushing atmosphere in the living room, but not one that would encourage communication. Very rarely does the desire to allocate large sums for repairs arise. But women compensate for this with their own talent to make with their own hands exactly what they need at the moment.
Pattern of French curtain.Before sewing curtains, all craftswomen go through the stage of choosing the color and texture of the fabric for future curtains in accordance with the color scheme prevailing in the interior of the hall. The appearance of the room will largely be determined by the shape of the curtains and their general appearance. Therefore, special attention should be paid to these parameters of the curtains at the preparatory stage. Whenever possible, you should try to keep the golden mean in everything. For example, it is not necessary to choose a color that is too bright or to ennoble the curtains with a large number of sewn-on decorations that provide unnecessary volume. Weighty draperies on the windows in a small room will look especially bizarre. But if the living room is spacious, this is also not a prerequisite for sewing bulky and pretentious curtains. Try to design and sew an original product that will organically fit into the overall decor of the hall. However, if the hall is decorated in a classic version, then no other models except classic ones will be appropriate in it.
What is the classic version of the curtains?
It is difficult to define this type of curtains. Usually these are straight-cut curtains made of traditional types of fabric, complemented by the finest tulle curtains.Types of Austrian blinds.Sometimes designers complement classic models with a lambrequin covering their upper part. Lambrequins are sewn in different ways. The most common type is a straight one, decorated with folds. However, now they have started making models with an original cut line at the bottom. It is better for a novice craftswoman to take on something simple and gradually improve her skills in sewing curtains. This is the only way to make exclusive curtains for the hall according to your own idea. If you decide to find out how to sew curtains yourself, then another important moment that cannot be missed is the choice of the appropriate fabric. Return to contents</a>
What fabric to choose for curtains?
To make curtains, the fabric should bebuy good quality and inexpensive (if possible). A wide range of curtain fabrics allows you to make a choice according to your personal preferences. Without a doubt, the color is determined by the color scheme that prevails in the living room. Having chosen the right fabric, you will be able to sew beautiful and unique curtains.Scheme of roller blind for living room.If the room decor is characterized by bright shades with volumetric patterns, various ornaments, then it makes sense to opt for a discreet monochromatic fabric. When, on the contrary, the interior design is made in calm muted shades with a neutral pattern on the walls, then in such a situation it is advisable to consider the option of buying a bright and effective material. Curtains sewn from such a prominent fabric will be an excellent addition to the room as the main accent of the entire interior decor. Curtains should not blend in with the surrounding environment. Satin or silk fabric is not the best solution for beginners. Such fabrics are difficult to process and sew. The optimal solution for the first experience is jacquard, velvet, cotton, linen, brocade, organza. When deciding on the fabric for the main canvases, you should also think about the option for curtains. Some believe that straight models look ugly and boring. However, this opinion is illusory. For example, you can change the look of straight-cut models by attaching a decorative tape that gathers the top edge of the curtains. Depending on the method of its attachment, folds will be formed on the main fabric. Curtain tape is chosen at the initial stage, simultaneously with the main fabric. When choosing additional elements for decoration, it is important to already know the types of decorations that will be present on the product (tassels, ruffles, etc.).
Curtain decoration scheme.To make simple straight curtains, a pattern is not necessary. It is enough to measure the window opening to calculate the amount of material in meters. If the selected material has a pattern, then the fabric should be purchased slightly longer in length to allow for a symmetrical arrangement of the pattern. If difficulties arise in calculating the exact footage of the fabric, then you can always get comprehensive advice on this issue from the seller in the fabric store. When choosing a fabric, it is also important to remember the need to make an allowance for hemming the fabric at the top and bottom. Therefore, the length of the fabric should be increased in accordance with this parameter. Return to the table of contents</a>
How to sew curtains for the living room?
At first it seems that sewing curtains is a matterquite easy. This is partly true, but subject to the observance of a certain algorithm of actions. Let's consider the instructions for cutting and sewing curtains using decorative tape. Return to the table of contents</a>Step by step instructions The first step isDetermining the amount of fabric required for sewing. To do this, measure the length of the cornice and the distance from it to the floor surface. If you prefer longer fabrics, then add another 10 cm to the length of the product. This will make up the allowance for hemming. The width is calculated based on personal preference. If drapery is required on the curtain, then the length of the cornice is multiplied three times. For example, with a cornice length of 3 m, you need to buy 9 m of fabric. If the abundance of folds does not cause delight, then the length of the cornice can be multiplied twice. To the calculated width of the product, add 6 cm for side folds. When it is necessary to sew two fabrics together to make the curtain full, then an allowance of 2 cm is made. From the sides, the edges are folded inward twice, the first time by 1 cm, the second by 2 cm, and stitched on a machine. The bottom edge is also folded inward by 3 and 5 cm. The top edge is folded inward by 3 cm and ironed. From the back side, the tape is pinned to it using pins, making an indentation from the fold at the top of 1 cm. The length of the tape is made longer than the length of the fabric by 5-6 cm (where 2.5 cm are for allowances). The ends of the cords are pulled out from the back side of the decorative tape and tied. After this, the allowance of the tape is folded inward. The same is done with the second edge of the tape, but the ends of the cords are not tied. This edge of the curtain will be on the outside. Next, the tape is stitched to the curtain along its lower and upper edges. The folded edges of the tape are sewn on, leaving the ends of the cords on the outer edge unsewn. They proceed to forming the folds of the curtain: the panels are pulled together with cords and tied. There are loops directly on the curtain tape, into which hooks are threaded with the required distance between them. When forming more folds on the curtain, more hooks will be needed. The curtains are ready. Following this simple algorithm, you can create your own set of curtains for the living room.