To understand what kind of interior a woman will feel comfortable in, first you need to figure out what type this woman belongs to. An experienced interior designer will help us with this difficult task.
The theme of masculine and feminine in the interior is multifacetedand therefore inexhaustible. However, it is always useful to define the boundaries for a general, even conditional, orientation. We invited the famous interior designer Varvara Zelenetskaya to deal with the “women’s issue”. Varvara Zelenetskaya, interior designer A certified specialist in interior and furniture design, a specialist in art management (graduated from the Humanitarian and Applied Institute and the Institute of Contemporary Art Problems), interned in Florence at the Lorenzo di Medici Design Institute. Since 2002, she has been a co-owner of the Dekointeriors studio in the Central House of Architects. In 2005, she opened a studio, working with interiors, from an architectural project to individual items that are developed and created according to sketches by the studio’s designers in her own workshop.
— To begin with, women who come for interiors should be divided into types. I can highlight three main ones. Business woman
Even if this woman is raising children, her zoneinterests will most likely be centered around the living room. Here she will receive guests and present herself. She will try to turn this room into a kind of salon for important meetings. Sometimes such a living room is combined with the kitchen.
However, in my life I have met and completelya different attitude to the kitchen space. For example, one of my friends, a very busy woman, organized a kitchen in a tiny dark room, because she worked there mainly as a cook. There is nothing exotic in this approach - it is a completely classic scheme for pre-revolutionary apartments.
The next most important area for a business woman- a comfortable bathroom. Quite often the intensity of passions of working days for such clients is so great that it can only be washed away in a shower stall using a tropical shower, and this, by the way, is a typical male scenario.
Next on the list of priorities for a businesswomanmeans the bedroom. Here the hostess recovers and again needs maximum comfort. In such bedrooms we are often asked to equip a reading corner, carefully work out the area around the bed and make several lighting scenarios.Of course, a business woman does not ignore children's rooms. Here, her gaze is most often directed at the level of comfort of work and sleeping areas.
Mothers and housewives
Women who give themselves completely to their family andhousekeeping, unlike business ladies, look at the interior completely differently. In the houses of such women, as a rule, huge kitchens are equipped, it is easier to keep an eye on children here, indulging in culinary creativity. Housewives also have quite serious requirements for kitchen equipment, starting from high-quality equipment and ending with convenient and large-scale storage systems.
Of course, mothers and housewives pay great attention to the equipment of children's rooms. Here, the lighting zone, development and sports corners are always very carefully thought out.
On the problem of arranging women's bedrooms,focused on home and family, approach economically. This applies both to the issue of choosing the area and directly to the design. People come to the bedroom to fall asleep, which is why they need only a "sleeping place".Oddly enough, a study for the husband is also among the priorities of stay-at-home mothers.
Accomplished ladies
In this case I mean mature women,who have managed to achieve a lot in their lives, have a large family track record and finally have the opportunity to live for themselves. In the interiors of such women there is almost always some kind of study-boudoir. This space can serve as a rest and self-care room, as well as a full-fledged office for work or hobbies. Here they often ask to put a massage chair. I respect this type of women very much - having reached a mature, and sometimes venerable age, they continue to take care of themselves, which, in my opinion, is very important for a woman at any age.