In the cladding of ceilings, plasterboard is becoming increasinglymore popular. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that it is not capable of acting as a material ready for final finishing. Usually, a ceiling covered with plasterboard with your own hands is pasted over with wallpaper or painted, sometimes the surface is simply putty.Joining plasterboard sheets with reinforcementtape. The sheets of plasterboard themselves are smooth, but the surface of the ceilings covered with them will not be monolithic. Unevenness is created in the places where the sheets are joined, in those areas where fastening is done with screws and the caps come out. Before carrying out the final finishing of the surface, it is necessary to putty the plasterboard. The work will not be difficult, rather, it can be called painstaking.
Choosing a filler mixture
Fastening of gypsum boards and joints of gypsum boardssheets when covering the ceiling. First, you need to choose a putty for the job. There is such a wide selection in building materials stores that you can get confused. There are materials intended for finishing surfaces, and there are those intended for sealing chips and cracks. It is more profitable to purchase dry mixes. They can be stored longer, their quality is not affected by the storage temperature. Dry mixes also have such a convenient property: they can be used little by little, to coat or level small areas, leave some part in case of emergency work. Ready-made mixes can change their structure during storage, and their performance is seriously impaired. Putties are polymer, gypsum or cement. Any of these materials is suitable for puttying a ceiling finished with plasterboard, but not all three are suitable for every room. For example, in the kitchen, you should not use gypsum-based putty: it does not tolerate humidity changes well. Strictly speaking, it is not advisable to use plasterboard to finish the ceilings in the kitchen.
Wallpapering the ceiling together.Polymer putties are more versatile and flexible. Their consumption is less. To prepare the drywall for subsequent actions, it is also necessary to prime the wall. It should be applied evenly over the entire surface. For priming drywall with your own hands, water-soluble compounds are used. They impregnate the top layer of plaster, but do not penetrate inside. A moisture-resistant film is obtained that does not allow paint or wallpaper glue to be absorbed. Alkyd primers are not used for priming drywall: they can cause deformation of the cardboard layer. The paper peels off, forms bubbles. This disrupts the adhesion of finishing materials to the surface. The primer mixture is diluted in a prepared container, applied with a roller over the entire wall from top to bottom. The layer thickness must be maintained at least 0.03 mm. Return to contents</a>
How to prepare gypsum cardboard for putty?
Wallpapering the ceiling without an assistant.The purpose of this operation is to obtain a perfectly smooth surface. First, you need to work with the fasteners. All screw heads that rise above the surface must be sunk into the plasterboard, but so that they do not create pits. At the joints, the cardboard should not peel off from the gypsum layer. In case of peeling, carefully tear off a piece of paper with your hands and cut it off at the root with a knife. Clean the resulting wrinkle with sandpaper, otherwise the putty will peel off all the time. Drywall for subsequent painting is prepared in almost the same way as for wallpapering. The wall should be smooth, without dents or protrusions. The resulting seams should be carefully putty, then well primed. Both wallpaper glue and paints are absorbed into the cardboard, so the surface should be reliably protected so that the outer layer of the cardboard does not deform.
Direction of filling the ceiling.Serpyanka (a fiberglass mesh with a self-adhesive surface) is glued to all seams, corners and joints. It should be glued so that the seam is exactly in the middle. The putty should be diluted in small portions so that it is enough for one application. It cannot be diluted again after drying: its working properties change significantly. The diluted putty can be used for half an hour. To seal the seams, you will need spatulas (one 12-15 cm wide, the other 30-35 cm). Carefully apply a portion of putty to the seam to create a reinforcing layer. It should fill the cavity well. Putty the holes from the screws crosswise: the composition is applied with a spatula in a strip along and in a strip across to fill the grooves in the caps and hide them.
Plasterboard puttying scheme. Puttying corner joints is a little more difficult, as this is an uneven surface. The sealing should be done in 2 stages:
So it is better to get a neater and more even seam than to try to get both sides right at once. Return to Contents</a>
Performing the finishing putty for the transition to finishing
The final stage of plasterboard processingputty makes it possible to obtain a smooth, flawless surface for subsequent finishing. Roughness, uneven areas are cleaned with sandpaper (it is necessary to use a respirator during work). The purpose of cleaning is to improve the contact of the ceiling surface with the finishing coating.Putty tools.For final puttying, use fiberglass or the putty mixture that was used at the beginning of the treatment. Dilute the mixture to a creamy consistency and apply the mixture evenly over the entire surface using a wide spatula. This layer should be uniform and as thin as possible. The mixture consumption will depend on the nature of the surface to be treated. If there are many defects, more putty mixture will be required. Taking into account the preliminary, rough puttying, the consumption of the building mixture per 1 m² should be calculated as 1 kg per 1 m of surface, adding another 100 g: 1.1 x 1 m². This formula can be used for dry putty mixtures based on cement. To calculate the gypsum mixture, the formula is simplified - 1:1. For adhesive-based compositions, only 0.5 kg of putty per 1 m² will be required. To calculate the amount of mixture you will need for the job, you must first determine the area of the surface to be treated. After applying a thin layer of putty, the ceiling is primed again. Such preparation stages allow you to securely fix the finish. Nothing will fall off or crack, and when wallpapering the ceiling surface, you can easily change the finish if desired. It is enough to remove the old canvas and stick a new one, and re-puttying the drywall will no longer be required. Return to contents</a>
Decoration of the ceiling from gypsum board with dyeing
To paint a plasterboard ceiling, you must adhere to the following rules:Direction of movement of the roller when painting the ceiling.
To paint, you need to purchase the following tools and materials:
- water-based paint;
- mixing tank;
- mixer (nozzle and drill);
- forest or stepladder;
- roller or spray gun;
- brushes;
- glasses, gloves for protection.
The device of a spray gun for painting the ceiling.To paint, do the following: pour the paint into a prepared tray, dip the roller completely into it so that the pile picks up the paint evenly. Paint with soft, even movements, rubbing the paint over the surface of the ceiling. Before you start painting the plasterboard ceiling space with your own hands, you need to treat the corners of the room with a brush, as well as the areas around the chandeliers or decorative items. The movements of the brush should be abrupt, so that there are no noticeable marks left. When painting in two layers, you need to ensure that each layer is perpendicular to the previous one. Before applying each layer, the previous one should be well dried. Return to the table of contents</a>
Decoration of the ceiling with wallpaper
When pasting prepared plasterboard with wallpaperyou need to pay special attention to the corners of the room, decorative elements. When choosing glue, follow the information indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. You should choose it depending on what type of wallpaper you have chosen.Options for tiling the ceiling.Apply the glue with a brush or roller. Apply it to the wallpaper strip, then fold it in half so that it is well saturated. Keep in mind that when wet, the strips may slightly increase in width. This operation will differ from regular wallpapering only in that it is not very convenient to perform all the actions, since you will have to constantly lift your head to the ceiling and hold your hands in an uncomfortable position. After gluing the strip to the surface, you need to smooth it out from the middle to remove excess air. This can be done with a soft rag, a clean soft brush or a roller. Remove any protruding glue immediately with a rag. Wallpaper is glued end to end. If necessary, trim the seams: this should be done only after the wallpaper has completely dried. Otherwise, the cut line will be uneven, and this will worsen the appearance of the surface.